释义 |
seine S0067600 (sān)n. A large fishing net made to hang vertically in the water by weights at the lower edge and floats at the top.v. seined, sein·ing, seines v.intr. To fish with such a net.v.tr. To fish for or catch with such a net. [Middle English, from Old English segne, from Germanic *sagina, from Latin sagēna, from Greek sagēnē.] sein′er n.
Seine S0067600 (sān, sĕn) A river of northern France flowing about 770 km (480 mi) generally northwest to the Bay of the Seine, an inlet of the English Channel, near Le Havre. It has been an important commercial waterway since Roman times and has figured significantly in the histories of Paris, Rouen, and Le Havre.EncyclopediaSeeSeine |