Tadzhik Medical Institute

Tadzhik Medical Institute


(full name, Avicenna Tadzhik Medical Institute), an educational institution founded in 1933. The institute includes (1975) departments of general medicine, pediatrics, and advanced training, a preparatory division, a graduate division, a clinical residency program, 55 subdepartments, a central research laboratory and a special problem laboratory, museums of anatomy and of the history of public health in Tadzhikistan, 16 clinical centers, and a library with 268,000 holdings.

In the 1974–75 academic year, the institute had an enrollment of more than 4,000 students and a faculty of about 500 teachers, among them one academician and one corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, two corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the Tadzhik SSR, 48 professors and doctors of sciences, and more than 250 docents and candidates of sciences. The institute accepts doctoral and candidates’ dissertations for defense. It has published Trudy (Transactions) since 1941. Since its founding, the institute has trained more than 7,500 physicians, including 1,400 pediatricians.