Tadzhik Sheep
Tadzhik Sheep
a breed of semicoarse-wooled, fat-tailed sheep. The breed was developed in the Tadzhik SSR by crossing Gissar ewes with Saradzha rams; hybrids of Lincoln rams and Gissar ewes were also used. The Tadzhik breed was established in 1964. Average rams weigh 90–100 kg, and ewes about 70 kg. The wool is slightly wavy, strong, resilient, and elastic. The length of the down is 6–15 cm, and of the transitional and guard hair, 12–20 cm. The wool clip from rams is 3.5–4 kg, and from ewes, 2.5–2.7 kg. Fertility is about 110 lambs per 100 ewes. The animals are well adapted to year-round pasturing. The breed is raised in the Tadzhik SSR.