taenia coli


 [te´ne-ah] 1. a flat band or strip of soft tissue; used in anatomic nomenclature to designate various structures.2. a tapeworm of the genus Taenia. Defs. 1 and 2 called also tenia.taenia co´li any of the three thickened bands (tae´nia li´bera, tae´nia mesoco´lica, and tae´nia omenta´lis) formed by longitudinal fibers in the tunica muscularis of the large intestine, extending from the root of the vermiform appendix to the rectum.

taenia coli

The three bands of smooth muscle into which the longitudinal muscle layer of the colon is gathered. They are taenia mesocolica (mesenteric insertion), taenia libera (opposite mesocolic band), and taenia omentalis (at place of attachment of omentum to transverse colon). See also: taenia