Acronym | Definition |
VLC➣VideoLAN Client |
VLC➣Variable Length Coding |
VLC➣Viva la Cultura (Spanish: Live the Culture) |
VLC➣Virtual Logistics Communications |
VLC➣Virtual Language Classroom |
VLC➣Virtual Language Center |
VLC➣Virtual Learning Center |
VLC➣Virtual Line Card |
VLC➣Video Lan Client |
VLC➣Victorious Life Church (various locations) |
VLC➣Virtual Learning Commons (various schools) |
VLC➣Valley Library Consortium (Saginaw, MI) |
VLC➣Very Low Cost |
VLC➣Visible Light Communications |
VLC➣Valley Leisure Centre (UK) |
VLC➣Volume Level Control (sound systems) |
VLC➣Virgin Life Care |
VLC➣Very Large Cone |
VLC➣Vietnamese Language and Culture |
VLC➣Very-Low Confidence |
VLC➣Visible Light Cured (Composite Resins) |
VLC➣Visual Logic Controller |
VLC➣Vancouver Language Centre (Mexico) |
VLC➣Valencia, Spain - Valencia (Airport Code) |
VLC➣Vision Learning Center (various locations) |
VLC➣Validation Life Cycle |
VLC➣Virtual Learning Collaborative |
VLC➣Vertical Learning Curve (courseware; Oklahoma City, OK) |
VLC➣Variable Length Codeword |
VLC➣Very Low Clearance |
VLC➣VanderLugt Correlator |
VLC➣Volume License Copy (software licensing) |
VLC➣Vera List Center for Arts and Politics (New York, NY) |
VLC➣Village Learning Centre |
VLC➣Variable-Length Capacity |
VLC➣Voluntary Land Corps |
VLC➣Virtual Listening Classroom |
VLC➣Voice Line Card |