


a city (until 1968, an urban-type settlement) in Kiev-Sviatoshino Raion, Kiev Oblast, Ukrainian SSR, on the right bank of the Dnieper. It is 18 km north of Kiev. Population, 11,200 (1970). The Kiev Hydroelectric Power Station is located here.

Vyshgorod is first mentioned in the chronicle for 946 as a city of Princess Ol’ga. It was a significant political, economic, and cultural center in the llth and 12th centuries and was the residence of Kievan princes. In 1240 the Tatars destroyed it. The site of the ancient fortified town is about 3 km in circumference. Archaeological excavations were conducted in Vyshgorod in 1934-37 and 1947. The city was divided into an inner fortress and a commercial-artisan quarter. Remains of earthen fortifications and a section of a street with semidugout houses have been discovered. Stoves for baking pottery and forges have been investigated. The foundations of the brick Church of Sts. Boris and Gleb (llth-12th centuries) have been discovered in the fortress.


Tikhomirov, M. N. Drevnerusskie goroda, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1956.
Dovzhenok, V. I.“Obzor arkheologicheskogo izucheniia drevnego Vyshgoroda za 1934-37 gg.,” Arkheologiia, 1950, vol. 3.