

(hār), [TA] 1. One of the fine, keratinized filamentous epidermal growths arising from the skin of the body of mammals except the palms, soles, and flexor surfaces of the joints; the full length and texture of hair varies markedly in different body sites. Synonym(s): pilus (1) [TA]2. One of the fine, hairlike processes of the auditory cells of the labyrinth, and of other sensory cells, called auditory hair, sensory hair, etc. Synonym(s): thrix [TA] [A.S. haer]


trichophobia, trichopathophobia.


(hār) [TA] 1. One of the fine, keratinized filamentous epidermal growths arising from the skin of the body of mammals except the palms, soles, and flexor surfaces of the joints; the full length and texture of hair varies markedly in different body sites. 2. One of the fine, hairlike processes of the auditory cells of the labyrinth, and of other sensory cells, called auditory hair, sensory hair, and other types.
Synonym(s): thrix.
[A.S. haer]