

单词 sps
释义 DictionarySeeSP



Symbolic Programming System. Assembly language for IBM 1620.


(Standby Power System) A UPS system that switches to battery backup upon detection of power failure. See UPS.


sodium polystyrene sulfonate

(soe-dee-um po-lee-stye-reen sul-fon-ate) sodiumpolystyrenesulfonate,


(trade name),


(trade name),


(trade name),


(trade name),


(trade name)


Therapeutic: hypokalemic
Pharmacologic: cationic exchange resins
Pregnancy Category: C


Mild to moderate hyperkalemia (if severe, more immediate measures such as sodium bicarbonate IV, calcium, or glucose/insulin infusion should be instituted).


Exchanges sodium ions for potassium ions in the intestine (each 1 g is exchanged for 1 mEq potassium).

Therapeutic effects

Reduction of serum potassium levels.


Absorption: Distributed throughout the intestine but is nonabsorbable.Distribution: Not distributed.Metabolism and Excretion: Eliminated in the feces.Half-life: Unknown.

Time/action profile (decrease in serum potassium)

PO2–12 hrunknown6–24 hr
Rectal2–12 hrunknown4–6 hr


Contraindicated in: Life-threatening hyperkalemia (other, more immediate measures should be instituted);Hypersensitivity to saccharin or parabens (some products);Ileus;Abnormal bowel function (↑ risk for intestinal necrosis);Postoperative patients with no bowel movement (↑ risk for intestinal necrosis);History of impaction, chronic constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, ischemic colitis, vascular intestinal atherosclerosis, previous bowel resection, or bowel obstruction (↑ risk for intestinal necrosis);Known alcohol intolerance (suspension only).Use Cautiously in: Geriatric: Geriatric patients;Heart failure;Hypertension;Edema;Sodium restriction;Constipation.

Adverse Reactions/Side Effects


  • intestinal necrosis (life-threatening)
  • constipation (most frequent)
  • fecal impaction (most frequent)
  • anorexia
  • gastric irritation
  • ischemic colitis
  • nausea
  • vomiting

Fluid and Electrolyte

  • hypocalcemia
  • hypokalemia
  • sodium retention
  • hypomagnesemia


Drug-Drug interaction

Administration with calcium or magnesium-containing antacids may ↓ resin-exchanging ability and ↑ risk of systemic alkalosis.Hypokalemia may enhance digoxin toxicity.Use with sorbitol may ↑ risk of colonic necrosis (concomitant use not recommended).


4 level tsp = 15 g (4.1 mEq sodium/g)Oral (Adults) 15 g 1–4 times daily in water (up to 40 g 4 times daily).Rectal (Adults) 30–50 g as a retention enema; repeat as needed q 6 hr.Oral Rectal (Children) 1 g/kg/dose q 6 hr.

Availability (generic available)

Suspension: 15 g sodium polystyrene sulfonate with 20 g sorbitol/60 mL, 15 g sodium polystyrene sulfonate with 14.1 g sorbitol/60 mL Powder: 15 g/4 level tsp

Nursing implications

Nursing assessment

  • Monitor response of symptoms of hyperkalemia (fatigue, muscle weakness, paresthesia, confusion, dyspnea, peaked T waves, depressed ST segments, prolonged QT segments, widened QRS complexes, loss of P waves, and cardiac arrhythmias). Assess for development of hypokalemia (weakness, fatigue, arrhythmias, flat or inverted T waves, prominent U waves).
  • Monitor intake and output ratios and daily weight. Assess for symptoms of fluid overload (dyspnea, rales/crackles, jugular venous distention, peripheral edema). Concurrent low-sodium diet may be ordered for patients with HF (see ).
  • In patients receiving concurrent digoxin, assess for symptoms of digoxin toxicity (anorexia, nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances, arrhythmias).
  • Assess abdomen and note character and frequency of stools. Discontinue sodium polystyrene sulfonate if patient becomes constipated. Concurrent sorbitol or laxatives may be ordered to prevent constipation or impaction. Some products contain sorbitol to prevent constipation. Patient should ideally have 1–2 watery stools each day during therapy. Monitor for intestinal necrosis if sorbitol is added.
  • Lab Test Considerations: Monitor serum potassium daily during therapy. Notify health care professional when potassium ↓ to 4–5 mEq/L.
    • Monitor renal function and electrolytes (especially sodium, calcium, bicarbonate, and magnesium) prior to and periodically throughout therapy.

Potential Nursing Diagnoses

Constipation (Side Effects)


  • Solution is stable for 24 hr when refrigerated.
    • Consult health care professional regarding discontinuation of medications that may increase serum potassium (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, potassium-sparing diuretics, potassium supplements, salt substitutes).
  • An osmotic laxative (sorbitol) is usually administered concurrently to prevent constipation.
  • Oral: For oral administration, shake commercially available suspension well before use. When using powder, add prescribed amount to 3–4 mL water/g of powder. Shake well. Syrup may be ordered to improve palatability. Resin cookie or candy recipes are available; discuss with pharmacist or dietitian.
  • Retention Enema: Precede retention enema with cleansing enema. Administer solution via rectal tube or 28-French Foley catheter with 30-mL balloon. Insert tube at least 20 cm and tape in place.
    • For retention enema, add powder to 100 mL of prescribed solution (usually sorbitol or 20% dextrose in water). Shake well to dissolve powder thoroughly; should be of liquid consistency. Position patient on left side and elevate hips on pillow if solution begins to leak. Follow administration of medication with additional 50–100 mL of diluent to ensure administration of complete dose. Encourage patient to retain enema as long as possible, at least 30–60 min.
    • After retention period, irrigate colon with 1–2 L of non–sodium-containing solution. Y-connector with tubing may be attached to Foley or rectal tube; cleansing solution is administered through 1 port of the Y and allowed to drain by gravity through the other port.

Patient/Family Teaching

  • Explain purpose and method of administration of medication to patient.
  • Advise patient to avoid taking antacids or laxatives during therapy, unless approved by health care professional; may cause systemic alkalosis.
  • Advise female patient to notify health care professional if pregnant or breast feeding.
  • Inform patient of need for frequent lab tests to monitor effectiveness.

Evaluation/Desired Outcomes

  • Normalization of serum potassium levels.


Abbreviation for:
semipermeable surface
simple partial seizure
simulated patient surgery, see there
slow potential shift
Social Phobia Scale
specialised services, see there 
standard payroll system
standard population sample
Suicide Probability Scale
superior petrosal sinus
surgical pathology staging
systemic progressive sclerosis


Abbreviation for sodium polyanethole sulfonate.


S11-868880 (sod'e-um) [ soda + -ium (1)] NaAn inorganic metallic element, atomic weight (mass) 22.98987, atomic number 11, specific gravity 0.971. Sodium constitutes about 0.15% of body mass. It is the most abundant cation in extracellular fluids, the main contributor to osmotic pressure and hydration, participates in many specialized pumps and receptors on cell membranes, and plays a fundamental part in the electrical activities of the body, e.g., nerve impulse transmission and muscular contraction. CAS # 7440-23-5

The normal sodium level in serum is 135 to 145 mmol/L. A decreased level of sodium in the serum is called hyponatremia, an increased level, hypernatremia. These conditions per se are not usually excesses or deficiencies of sodium but rather disturbances in the body's regulation of water, i.e., a change in measured sodium concentrations usually results from water retention or water depletion and not from too little or too much sodium in the body. Synonym: natrium See: hypernatremia; hyponatremia

sodium acetate

C2H3NaO2, a chemical compound used to alkalize urine and kidney dialysis solutions. It is also used as a component in many laboratory reagents, e.g., buffers. CAS # 127-09-3 Synonym: sodium ethanoate

sodium alginate

NaC6H7O6, a purified carbohydrate product extracted from certain species of seaweed. It is used as a food additive and as a pharmaceutical aid.

sodium ascorbate

C6H7NaO6, the sodium salt of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It may be used in a sterile solution when parenteral administration of vitamin C is required. CAS # 134-03-2

sodium benzoate

C7H5O2Na, a white, odorless powder with sweet taste, used as a food preservative.CAS # 532-32-1

sodium bicarbonate

NaHCO3, a white odorless powder with a salty taste. It is incompatible with acids, acid salts, ammonium chloride, lime water, ephedrine hydrochloride, and iron chloride. It is used to treat acidosis, e.g., in renal failure. It is used orally as an antacid although its effectiveness for this purpose is questionable. Externally, it is used as a mild alkaline wash. It is also used as a component in many laboratory reagents, e.g., buffers, microbiologic media, and control materials. Synonym: baking soda; sodium hydrogen carbonateCAS # 144-55-8

sodium carbonate

Na2CO3, a white crystalline alkaline powder. It is used in industry to manufacture glass, ceramics, soaps, paper, and sodium salts. Synonym: soda ashwashing sodaCAS # 497-19-8

carboxymethylcellulose sodium

, carboxymethyl sodium cellulose, carboxymethyl cellulose sodium, sodium carboxymethyl celluloseC6H9OCH2COONa, a white powder used as a pharmaceutical aid and a food additive.CAS # 9085-26-1

sodium chloride

NaCl, a naturally occurring white crystalline compound; common table salt. It is used in preparation of normal saline solution, as an emetic, and to add flavor to foods. It is incompatible with silver nitrate. In aqueous solution, sodium chloride, a neutral salt, is a strong electrolyte, being almost completely ionized. The sodium and chlorine ions are important in maintaining the proper electrolyte balance in body fluids. The kidneys regulate retention or excretion of sodium chloride in urine; aldosterone directly increases the renal reabsorption of sodium ions. Synonym: salt (1); table saltCAS # 7647-14-5

sodium citrate

C6H5Na3O7, a white granular powder soluble in water. It is used as an anticoagulant for blood collected for laboratory analysis or used for transfusion. CAS # 18996-35-5

sodium ethanoate

Sodium acetate.

sodium fluoride

NaF, a white, poisonous crystalline powder with a salty taste. Minute amounts of sodium fluoride are added to drinking water for fluoridation, in tooth pastes, and in oral rinses (mouth washes) to prevent dental caries (tooth decay). It is also an effective, inexpensive treatment for osteoporosis. See: fluoridation; sodium fluoride poisoningCAS # 7681-49-4

sodium hydrogen carbonate

Sodium bicarbonate.

sodium hydroxide

NaOH, a whitish solid, soluble in water and making a clear solution. It is an antacid and a caustic. It is used in laundry detergents and in commercial compounds to clean sink traps, toilets, and in the preparation of soap. It is also used as a component in any laboratory reagent that needs pH balancing. Synonym: caustic sodaCAS # 1310-73-2


It is corrosive. People who handle sodium hydroxide should protect their eyes, mucus membranes, and skin from direct contact.

sodium hypochlorite

NaOCl, an unstable salt used in solution as an antiseptic, disinfectant, and bleaching agent (household bleach).CAS # 7681-52-9

sodium iodide

NaI, a colorless crystalline solid used as an expectorant.

sodium lactate

C3H5NaO3, a sodium salt of inactive lactic acid. it is used intravenously in one-sixth or one-fourth molar solution to control electrolyte disturbances, esp. acidosis.

sodium lauryl sulfate

C12H25NaO4S, an anionic surface-active agent used as a pharmaceutical acid.

sodium monofluoroacetate

FCH2CO2Na, a toxic pesticide, once banned in the U.S., that inhibits cellular metabolism, esp. in the most metabolically active organs, i.e., the brain and heart. In humans it causes arrhythmias, seizures, coma, and occasionally death. It is used commercially to kill rodents and large animals. CAS # 62-74-8

sodium monofluorophosphate

Abbreviation: MFP
Na2PO3F, a compound used in toothpastes to prevent dental caries (tooth decay)CAS # 10163-15-2

sodium morrhuate

, morrhuate sodiumThe sodium salt of the fatty acids, found in cod liver oil. It is used as a sclerosing agent for the obliteration of varicose veins, including esophageal varices.

sodium nitrite

NaNO2, a white crystalline powder used as an antidote for cyanide poisoning.CAS # 7632-00-0

sodium nitroprusside

Abbreviation: SNP
C5FeN6Na2O, an antihypertensive and powerful vasodilator used when rapid reduction in blood pressure is required.


Infusion of SNP at the maximum dose rate of 10 µg/kg/min should never last for more than 10 min. For treatment of overdose, See: cyanide poisoning

sodium phosphate, dibasic

Na2HPO4, the secondary phosphate of sodium, used as a cathartic.

sodium phosphate P 32

A radiopharmaceutical made with radioactive phosphorus (32P), used in solution to treat polycythemia vera and certain cancers.

sodium polyanethol sulfonate

Abbreviation: SPS
A polyanionic detergent and antimicrobial agent used in microbiological assays to enhance recovery of bacteria.CAS # 63589-56-0

sodium polystyrene sulfonate

A cation-exchange resin used to remove potassium from the body.CAS # 28210-41-5

sodium propionate

C3H5NaO2, a crystalline salt used as an antifungal food additive.CAS # 137-40-6

sodium salicylate

C7H5NaO3, a white crystalline substance with a disagreeable, even nauseating, taste, used to reduce pain and temperature.CAS # 54-21-7 See: acetylsalicylic acid

sodium sulfate

Na2SO4, a salt formerly used as a saline cathartic and diuretic, and now used in the manufacture of detergents. The salt grows in the pores of bricks and stones, causing them to crack from the pressure. Synonym: Glauber saltCAS # 7727-73-3

sodium thiosulfate

Na2O3S2, a white crystalline substance used externally to remove stains of iodine and intravenously as an antidote for cyanide poisoning.CAS # 7772-98-7

sodium polyanethol sulfonate

Abbreviation: SPS
A polyanionic detergent and antimicrobial agent used in microbiological assays to enhance recovery of bacteria.CAS # 63589-56-0See also: sodium


SPSSociety of Physics Students
SPSStandard Procurement System (US DoD)
SPSSan Pedro Sula (Honduras)
SPSSpecial (Weather) Statement
SPSSpringfield Public Schools (Missouri)
SPSSuicide Prevention Services of America
SPSSt. Paul's School
SPSSalaried Professional Service
SPSSwitching Power Supply
SPSSchool of Public Service (various locations)
SPSSelf-Protection System (defensive systems upgrade to USAF HH-60G helicopters; circa 2000)
SPSSingle Payment Scheme (UK)
SPSSouthwestern Public Service
SPSSchool of Professional Studies (various schools)
SPSSpare Parts Service (various locations)
SPSSecurity and Public Safety (various locations)
SPSSage Payment Solutions (Sage Software)
SPSSuper Proton Synchrotron (at CERN)
SPSShock Protection System
SPSStiff Person Syndrome
SPSSuffolk Public Schools (Virginia)
SPSScottish Prison Service (UK)
SPSSharepoint Portal Server (Microsoft product)
SPSSport and Society
SPSSignal Processing Society
SPSSubsea Production Systems
SPSSignal Processing System
SPSSanitary and Phytosanitary Standards
SPSSewage Pumping Station
SPSSatellite Power System
SPSSecondary Power (Distribution) System
SPSSyndiotactic Polystyrene
SPSSelect Portfolio Servicing (mortgages; various locations)
SPSSpeicherprogrammierbare Steuerung (German; programmable logic controller)
SPSSigma Pi Sigma (physics honor society)
SPSSaskatoon Police Service (Saskatchewan, Canada)
SPSStandard Positioning Service
SPSSouthern Partnership Station (US Navy)
SPSSpecific Pavement Studies
SPSStrategic Planning Society
SPSSaskatoon Public Schools (Saskatchewan, Canada)
SPSSpecial Services
SPSSecurity Police Squadron
SPSSemiconductor Products Sector (Motorola)
SPSSocialist Party of Serbia (political party created in 1989 in Serbia Yugoslavia)
SPSSandwich Plate System
SPSStudent Personnel Services (aka Guidance Counselors)
SPSSatellite Positioning System
SPSSchool of Policy Studies (Queen's University, Ontario, Canada)
SPSSemi-Persistent Scheduling
SPSSpecial Programme in Science (est. 1996; Singapore)
SPSStandby Power Supply
SPSSecurity Panel System
SPSSun Preventive Services
SPSSession Presentation Services
SPSScan Point Status
SPSSub Ports
SPSSignal Processing Studio
SPSSequence Parameter Set
SPSShared Product Space
SPSService Packs
SPSSuzuki Power System
SPSSpool Printing System
SPSService Providers
SPSSignaling Protocols and Switching
SPSSharepoint Portal Server
SPSSoftware Product Services
SPSSmart Power Saving
SPSSignaling Points
SPSScalable Port Switch
SPSStorage Processors
SPSSystem Protection Scheme (various companies)
SPSSodium Polyanethol Sulfonate
SPSShots Per Second (combat statistics)
SPSSchool Performance Score
SPSSimple Partial Seizure
SPSService Provisioning System
SPSSymbols Per Second (digital communications)
SPSShingles Prevention Study (clinical study)
SPSSeat Position Sensor
SPSSingle Property Site (real estate)
SPSShaking Puppy Syndrome (canine medical condition)
SPSSpecial Purpose Ship
SPSSurface Plasmon Spectroscopy
SPSSystem Performance Specification
SPSSandvik Process Systems (Sandvik Group; Sweden)
SPSSocial Protection Strategy (various locations)
SPSSystem Performance Simulation
SPSSecure Packet Shield
SPSStandard Positioning System
SPSService Propulsion System (Apollo spacecraft)
SPSService Provider Solutions (various companies)
SPSSnecma Propulsion Solide (France)
SPSSerbian Socialist Party (Serbia and Montenegro)
SPSSymposium on Privacy and Security (computer security)
SPSSécurité et Protection de La Santé (French: Safety and Health Protection)
SPSSocial and Political Sciences (University of Cambridge)
SPSStrategic Policy Statement (various organizations)
SPSSociety for Pentecostal Studies (Cleveland, TN)
SPSSociety for Psychoanalytic Studies (American Psychological Association)
SPSSoftware Preservation Society (formerly Classic Amiga Preservation Society)
SPSSecond Person Shooter (gaming)
SPSSpecial Protection System
SPSSignal Processing Subsystem
SPSSupportive Professional Staff (Northern Illinois University)
SPSSoftware Product Specification
SPSStandby Power System
SPSSubstantive Policy Statement (Arizona)
SPSSingle Phase Standard
SPSSurface Preparation System
SPSStrategic Problem Solving
SPSScandinavian Physiological Society (est. 1925)
SPSStudent Photographic Society (Atlanta, GA)
SPSSecondary Propulsion System (spacecraft)
SPSStructural Preservation Systems (est. 1976)
SPSStorage Products Services (est. 1955; Scotland, UK)
SPSSignal Processor Subsystem
SPSSmall-Polyped Stony Corals
SPSStatewide Public Service (Alaska)
SPSSuntory Publicity Service Limited (Japan)
SPSSynergy Professional Services (Portland, OR)
SPSSales Performance Solutions
SPSSingle-Photon Source
SPSSony Play Station
SPSSymantec Product Specialist
SPSSmart Printing Services (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP)
SPSSand Pine Scrub (ecosystem; Flordia)
SPSScranton Preparatory School (Scranton, PA)
SPSSatellite Processing System
SPSStand-by Power Supply
SPSSurface Photovoltage Spectroscopy
SPSSouth Park Studios
SPSShand Power Station
SPSShanghai Port Surcharge
SPSSupplementary Purchase Specification
SPSSolar Powered Satellite
SPSSpectrum Planning Subcommittee
SPSSignalling Protocols and Switching
SPSShuttle Procedures Simulator (US NASA)
SPSSoftware Productivity Solutions, Inc.
SPSSmall Penis Syndrome (psychological condition)
SPSSpokane, Portland, and Seattle (railroad)
SPSStall Protection System (aviation)
SPSSun Preventive Services (Sun Microsystems)
SPSSoyuz Pravykh Sil (Russia: Union of Rightist Forces)
SPSSt. Patrick's Missionary Society (religious order)
SPSWichita Falls, TX, USA - Wichita Falls Municipal (Airport Code)
SPSSmall Purchase System
SPSSchool of Practical Science (University of Toronto)
SPSState Permit System
SPSSouthfield Public Schools
SPSSpecial Projects Section (California Highway Patrol)
SPSSpecific Purpose Statement (public speaking)
SPSShell People Services
SPSStatement of Prior Submission
SPSShort Person Syndrome
SPSStatic Priority Scheduling
SPSSafety Performance Solutions, Inc. (Blacksburg, VA, USA)
SPSSurface Plasma Source
SPSSozialdemokratische Partei Schweiz (Swiss Social Democrat Party)
SPSSpecialist, Personnel Supervisor (US Navy)
SPSSensor Processing Subsystem
SPSSalvationist Publishing & Supplies
SPSSkin Pharmacology Society
SPSSembawang Primary School (Singapore)
SPSSmall Patella Syndrome
SPSSelf Praise Stinks
SPSSingle Parameter Scaling
SPSSocialist Party of Switzerland
SPSStandby Power Source
SPSSpikey Polygon Syndrome
SPSSociety of Polymer Science
SPSSound-Processing Software
SPSSingle Point Solution
SPSStudent Payment Summary (student loans)
SPSSingle Point of Service
SPSSpecial Periodical Survey
SPSStamford Primary School (Singapore)
SPSSpatial Power Spectrum
SPSSpring Pressure Pilot
SPSSomers Public Schools (Connecticut)
SPSSupplier Problem Sheet
SPSShip Planning System
SPSSonobouy Processing System (Canadian Navy)
SPSSociety for Preserving Skule (University of Toronto)
SPSSafety Precedence Sequence
SPSSpecial Project Support
SPSSubmission Processing Site
SPSStructured Postscript
SPSSymbolic Programming Language (1960s IBM computer language; preceded Autocoder)
SPSShuqun Primary School (Singapore)
SPSSprint Plus Services
SPSSimplified Processing Station
SPSSpanish Philatelic Society
SPSSingle Point Stick (walking stick)
SPSSystem Performance Specialist (FAA)
SPSSoftware Procurement Specification
SPSSpam Prevention System (Trend Micro)
SPSSupport Processing Subsystem
SPSSemitic Phlegm Syndrome (Chanukah)
SPSSolarcom Partner Services (Norcross, GA)
SPSShaggy Pun Syndrome
SPSSteam Pressure Switch
SPSSoftware Professional Solutions, Inc
SPSSatellite Principal System
SPSShipboard Radar Search
SPSSpecialist, Shore Patrol and Security (US Navy)
SPSSpecial Purpose Sonar
SPSSchedule Promulgated Separately
SPSSpot on Sand (surveying)
SPSSurveys and Population Studies
SPSSpecial Project Superintendent
SPSSpellsinger Class (game)
SPSSharing Profile System
SPSSingle Photoelectron Spectrum
SPSSurvival Power Source
SPSSpecial Purpose Segment
SPSStatement of Prior Submmission
SPSSubstantive Production Subcommittee
SPSStatistical Performance Standard
SPSSample(s) per Second (also seen as S/S)




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