Vrachebnaia Gazeta

Vrachebnaia Gazeta


(Medical Newspaper), a weekly medical journal published (with interruptions) in St. Petersburg (later Leningrad) from 1893 through 1949.

Beginning in 1893 the journal was published under the title Ezhenedel’nik zhurnala Praktic he skaia meditsina (Weekly of the Journal of Practical Medicine), and from 1901 through 1932 it was called Vrachebnaia gazeta. In 1932 it was reorganized as Sovetskaia vrachebnaia gazeta, and in 1936 as the Sovetskii vrachebnyi zhurnal. From 1904 to 1906, free issues of Klinicheskie lektsii (Clinical Lectures)—and, from 1907 through 1916, those of Klinicheskie monografii (Clinical Monographs)—were appended to Vrachebnaia gazeta. The journal Vrachebnaia gazeta was intended for a wide circle of physicians and the medical public; materials on current questions of clinical and experimental medicine, as well as on urgent problems of rural medicine and health care, were published.


Levit, M. M. Meditsinskaia periodicheskaia pechat’ Rossii i SSSR (1792-1962). Moscow, 1963.