

单词 paramecium



P5066800 (păr′ə-mē′sē-əm, -shē-əm)n. pl. par·a·me·ci·a (-sē-ə, -shē-ə) or par·a·me·ci·ums Any of various slipper-shaped freshwater ciliate protozoans of the genus Paramecium, having an oral groove for feeding.
[New Latin Paramēcium, genus name, from Greek paramēkēs, oblong in shape : para-, alongside; see para-1 + mēkos, length; see māk- in Indo-European roots.]




n, pl -cia (-sɪə) (Animals) any freshwater protozoan of the genus Paramecium, having an oval body covered with cilia and a ventral ciliated groove for feeding: phylum Ciliophora (ciliates)[C18: New Latin, from Greek paramēkēs elongated, from para-1 + mēkos length]


(ˌpær əˈmi ʃi əm, -ʃəm, -si əm)

n., pl. -ci•a (-ʃi ə, -si ə) a freshwater protozoan of the genus Paramecium, having an oval body with a long, deep oral groove and a fringe of cilia. [1745–55; < New Latin < Greek paramḗk(ēs) oblong, oval (para- para-1 + -mēkēs, adj. derivative of mêkos length) + New Latin -ium -ium2]


(păr′ə-mē′sē-əm) Plural paramecia or parameciums Any of various freshwater protozoans that are usually oval in shape and that move by means of cilia.
Noun1.paramecium - any member of the genus Parameciumparamecium - any member of the genus Paramecium parameciaciliate, ciliated protozoan, ciliophoran - a protozoan with a microscopic appendage extending from the surface of the cellgenus Paramecium - freshwater ciliate with an oval body and long deep oral groove



(parəmē`sĭəm), unicellular organism of the genus Paramecium, of the ciliate phylum CiliophoraCiliophora
, phylum in the kingdom Protista consisting of the ciliates, or ciliophores, complex freshwater or saltwater protozoans that swim by the coordinated beating of their cilia—short, hairlike structures that cover the cell surface.
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 found in freshwater throughout the world. Like other protozoansprotozoan
, informal term for the unicellular heterotrophs of the kingdom Protista. Protozoans comprise a large, diverse assortment of microscopic or near-microscopic organisms that live as single cells or in simple colonies and that show no differentiation into tissues.
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, paramecia, previously considered one-celled animals, are now customarily placed in kingdom ProtistaProtista
or Protoctista
, in the five-kingdom system of classification, a kingdom comprising a variety of unicellular and some simple multinuclear and multicellular eukaryotic organisms.
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. The paramecium has a stiff outer covering that gives it a permanent slipper shape. It swims rapidly by coordinated wavelike beats of its many cilia—short, hairlike projections of the cell. A paramecium normally moves forward in a corkscrew fashion but is capable of reversing direction when it encounters adverse conditions. This trial-and-error behavior (backing up and then continuing forward in a slightly different direction until an optimum path is found) is conspicuous when the animal is observed through a microscope.

Paramecia and other ciliates are the most complex of all single-celled organisms. The paramecium has an external oral groove lined with cilia and leading to a mouth pore and gullet; food (typically smaller organisms, such as bacteria) is digested in food vacuoles. There are also an anal pore, two contractile vacuoles that regulate the water content of the cell, and two nuclei. The larger nucleus, or macronucleus, is thought to regulate most cell functions, while the smaller nucleus, or micronucleus, is involved in reproduction. Paramecia usually reproduce asexually by cell division but can also exchange genetic information via a process called conjugation, in which two individuals unite at the oral grooves and exchange micronuclei that serve as little packages of DNA, after which the cells divide, yielding daughter cells with DNA from each of the parents.


See A. Jurand and G. C. Selman, The Anatomy of Paramecium aurelia (1964).



a genus embracing the simplest organisms of the class Infusoria. The elongated oval body reaches a length of 0.3 mm. It has a thick external layer of cytoplasm, the pellicle, which consists of three membranes and is covered evenly with 10,000 to 15,000 cilia. The mouth is on the side, beneath the oral groove.

The species P. bursaria undergoes intracellular symbiosis with single-celled green algae, or zoochlorella. Two species, P. caudatum and P. aurelia, are widely used in laboratory experiments. Methods for reproducing paramecia are well developed.


[‚par·ə′mē·sē·əm] (invertebrate zoology) A single-celled protozoan belonging to the family Parameciidae.


[‚par·ə′mē·sē·əm] (invertebrate zoology) The genus of protozoans composing the family Parameciidae.


any freshwater protozoan of the genus Paramecium, having an oval body covered with cilia and a ventral ciliated groove for feeding: phylum Ciliophora (ciliates)



 [par″ah-me´she-um] a genus of ciliate protozoa.


 [par″ah-me´she-um] any organism of the genus Paramecium.


(par'ă-mē'shē-ŭm, -sē-ŭm), An abundant genus of freshwater holotrichous ciliates, characteristically slipper-shaped and often large enough to be visible to the naked eye; commonly used for genetic and other studies. [G. paramēkēs, rather long, fr. mēkos, length]


(păr′ə-mē′sē-əm, -shē-əm)n. pl. parame·cia (-sē-ə, -shē-ə) or parame·ciums Any of various slipper-shaped freshwater ciliate protozoans of the genus Paramecium, having an oral groove for feeding.


(par'ă-mē'sē-ŭm) An abundant genus of freshwater holotrichous ciliates, characteristically slipper shaped and often large enough to be visible to the naked eye; commonly used for genetic and other studies. [G. paramēkēs, rather long, fr. mēkos, length]
ParameciumFig. 245 Paramecium . General structure.


a genus of freshwater PROTOZOAN, having an oval body covered with cilia and a ventral ciliated groove for feeding.


Related to paramecium: euglena
  • noun

Synonyms for paramecium

noun any member of the genus Paramecium


  • paramecia

Related Words

  • ciliate
  • ciliated protozoan
  • ciliophoran
  • genus Paramecium




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