

单词 role



a part played by an actor; a function: the role of a wife
Not to be confused with:roll – to turn; to throw as in dice; a small bread


R0287400 (rōl)n.1. also rôle A character or part played by a performer.2. The characteristic and expected social behavior of an individual.3. A function or position. See Synonyms at function.4. Linguistics The function of a word or construction, as in a sentence.
[French rôle, from Old French rolle, roll of parchment (on which an actor's part was written), from Latin rotula, diminutive of rota, wheel; see roll.]


(rəʊl) or


n1. (Theatre) a part or character in a play, film, etc, to be played by an actor or actress2. (Psychology) psychol the part played by a person in a particular social setting, influenced by his expectation of what is appropriate3. usual or customary function: what is his role in the organization?. [C17: from French rôle roll, an actor's script]


or rôle


n. 1. a part or character played by an actor, singer, or other performer. 2. the proper or customary function of a person or thing. 3. the rights, obligations, and expected behavior patterns associated with a particular social status. [1600–10; < French rôle roll (as of paper) containing the actor's part]


– roll">roll

These words are both pronounced /rəʊl/.

1. 'role'

Your role is your position and what you do in a situation or society.

What is the role of the university in modern society?He had played a major role in the formation of the United Nations.

A role is also one of the characters that an actor or singer plays in a film, play, opera, or musical.

She played the leading role in The Winter's Tale.
2. 'roll'

A roll is a very small loaf of bread.

The soup is served with a roll and butter.

A roll of something such as cloth or paper is a long piece of it wrapped many times around itself or around a tube.

I bought a roll of wallpaper.
Noun1.role - the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or grouprole - the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group; "the function of a teacher"; "the government must do its part"; "play its role"function, office, partduty - work that you are obliged to perform for moral or legal reasons; "the duties of the job"capacity - a specified function; "he was employed in the capacity of director"; "he should be retained in his present capacity at a higher salary"hat - an informal term for a person's role; "he took off his politician's hat and talked frankly"portfolio - the role of the head of a government department; "he holds the portfolio for foreign affairs"lieu, stead, place, position - the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another; "can you go in my stead?"; "took his place"; "in lieu of"second fiddle - a secondary role or function; "he hated to play second fiddle to anyone"
2.role - an actor's portrayal of someone in a play; "she played the part of Desdemona"persona, theatrical role, character, partpersonation, portrayal, characterization, enactment - acting the part of a character on stage; dramatically representing the character by speech and action and gesturebit part, minor role - a small roleheavy - a serious (or tragic) role in a playhero - the principal character in a play or movie or novel or poemingenue - the role of an innocent artless young woman in a playname part, title role - the role of the character after whom the play is namedheroine - the main good female character in a work of fictionbaddie, villain - the principal bad character in a film or work of fiction
3.role - what something is used forrole - what something is used for; "the function of an auger is to bore holes"; "ballet is beautiful but what use is it?"function, purpose, useusefulness, utility - the quality of being of practical useraison d'etre - the purpose that justifies a thing's existence
4.role - normal or customary activity of a person in a particular social setting; "what is your role on the team?"activity - any specific behavior; "they avoided all recreational activity"gender role - the overt expression of attitudes that indicate to others the degree of your maleness or femaleness; "your gender role is the public expression of your gender identity"position - (in team sports) the role assigned to an individual player; "what position does he play?"


noun1. job, part, position, post, task, duty, function, office, capacity His role in the events has been pivotal.2. part, character, representation, portrayal, impersonation Shakespearean women's roles


also rôle
noun1. The proper activity of a person or thing:function, job, purpose, task.2. One's proper or expected function in a common effort:part, piece, share.



(rəul) noun1. a part played by an actor or actress in a play etc. He is playing the rôle of King Lear. 戲劇角色 角色2. the actions or functions of a person in some activity. He played the rôle of peacemaker in the dispute. 角色 作用,职责




have a role in (something)

1. To have a specific involvement or participation in something. There's no use lying to the committee, Mr. Marshall, as we know for a fact that you had a role in hiding your company's losses from its investors.2. Literally, to have a job portraying a certain character in a performance. I hear that Samantha has a role in some new film. She's really making her way into the big leagues!See also: have, role

play a role in (something)

1. To have a specific involvement or participation in something. There's no use lying to the committee, Mr. Marshall, as we know for a fact that you played a role in hiding your company's losses from its investors.2. Literally, to have a job portraying a certain character in a performance. I hear that Samantha is playing a role in some new film. She's really making her way into the big leagues!See also: play, role

play a large role (in something)

To have an extremely important or fundamental role (in some resultant situation, action, event, outcome, etc.). There were a lot of reason why I quit, but having to work 10 hours a day played a large role. Punk rock played a large role in forming my aesthetic sensibilities. The rookie quarterback ended up playing a large role in the team's amazing comeback victory yesterday.See also: large, play, role

play a big role (in something)

To have an extremely important or fundamental role (in some resultant situation, action, event, outcome, etc.). There were a lot of reason why I quit, but having to work 10 hours a day played a big role. Punk rock played a big role in forming my aesthetic sensibilities. The rookie quarterback ended up playing a big role in the team's amazing comeback victory yesterday.See also: big, play, role

play a small role (in something)

1. Literally, to act out a very small, inconsequential role (in some piece of drama, film, or television). I originally started off playing a small role in the sitcom, but over the years the character became wildly popular and really launched my career. A: "I heard you're in the latest Schwarzenegger movie, right?" B: "Yeah, I'm just playing a small role, though."2. By extension, to have a very small, inconsequential role (in some resultant situation, action, event, outcome, etc.). I know you feel like you only played a small role in our victory today, but you were just as important out there as everyone else on the team. A: "I suppose those long, 12-hour days were why you quit, huh?" B: "Actually, those only played a small role—it was mostly just because I hated my boss."See also: play, role, small

play a bit role (in something)

1. Literally, to act out a very small, inconsequential role (in some piece of drama, film, or television). I originally started off playing a bit role in the sitcom, but over the years the character became wildly popular and really launched my career. A: "I heard you're in the latest Schwarzenegger movie, right?" B: "Yeah, I'm just playing a bit role, though."2. By extension, to have a very small, inconsequential role (in some resultant situation, action, event, outcome, etc.). I know you feel like you only played a bit role in our victory today, but you were just as important out there as everyone else on the team. A: "I suppose those long, 12-hour days were why you quit, huh?" B: "Actually, those only played a bit role—it was mostly just because I hated my boss."See also: bit, play, role

play a part in something

 and play a role in something 1. to participate in something in a specific way. I hope to play a part in the development of the new product. I want to play a role in this procedure. 2. to portray a character in a performance. He played a part in The Mikado, but it was not a major role. Larry wanted to play a role in the next play.See also: part, play

role model

An individual whose behavior serves as an exemplar to others. This expression, dating from the second half of the 1900s, alludes to acting out parts in a theatrical production. It appeared in the New York Times Magazine (June 26, 1977): “If the teacher was a ‘role model’ parents were obviously unaware of it.” See also: model, role



, r?le1. a part or character in a play, film, etc., to be played by an actor or actress 2. Psychol the part played by a person in a particular social setting, influenced by his expectation of what is appropriate


  1. any relatively standardized social position, involving specific rights and obligations which an individual is expected or encouraged to perform, e.g. parental role.
  2. ‘the dynamic aspect of STATUS’, where 'status’ refers to the position and ‘role’ to its performance (R. Linton, 1936); it is more usual, however, for the term ‘role’ to apply to both position and performance, with 'status’ also being used as an alternative term for position. Roles may be specific or diffuse, ascribed or achieved - see PATTERN VARIABLES. In SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM the term ‘role’ is used differently. In this perspective social identities and social action are analysed as the outcome of taking the role of the other’, rather than from adopting ready-made roles. Role-playing, a form of social training where people take part in group exercises in which they act out a range of social roles, has a similar basis. The expectation is that acting out social roles, including those with which one initially lacks sympathy, will bring greater social understanding.
In FUNCTIONALISM, the theory of role stresses the normative expectations attached to particular positions and the way in which roles are associated with INSTITUTIONS. The emphasis is on the acquisition and enacting of behaviour patterns determined by NORMS and rules. MERTON (1949) suggested the further notion of role-set, to refer to the range of role relationships associated with a given status. It is recognized that the individual is likely to encounter tensions (role conflict) in coping with the requirements of incompatible roles, e.g. the roles of worker and mother, or lecturer and researcher. The functional theory of role has been criticized, however, for sometimes implying a static, unchanging conception of social action.

The earlier, symbolic interactionist approach to ‘role’, associated with G. H. MEAD, contrasts with that of functionalism, in that for Mead ‘role-taking’ is mainly of interest as an essential process in the development of the SELF. Both adults and children establish conceptions of self by imagining themselves in others’ positions (see also LOOKING-GLASS SELF), but there is no conception of fixed roles in the way central to functionalism, and the continually ‘renegotiated’ character of social action is emphasized.

The writings of GOFFMAN provided other examples of role analysis, e.g. the concept of ROLE DISTANCE, where the performer of a role adopts a subjective detachment from the role.



(1) A personage in a drama or screenplay and the corresponding character embodied by an actor in a stage production, film, or radio play. A role may be comic, tragic, dramatic, or tragicomic, and principal or secondary. A walk-on is a role without spoken lines or one with lines amounting to two or three sentences. An incidental role is one occurring in a single episode of a production, for example, the Horn Player in Gorky’s Egor Bulychov and the Others. In the musical theater a role is the same as a part.

(2) The lines assigned to one of the characters in a play or film.



 [rōl] a pattern of behavior developed in response to the demands or expectations of others; the pattern of responses to the persons with whom an individual interacts in a particular situation.caregiver role the functions performed by a caregiver" >caregiver; see also under fatigue and strain.gender role the public expression of gender; the image projected by a person that identifies their maleness or femaleness, which need not correspond to their identity" >gender identity.impaired role the role played by a person who is disabled or chronically ill and who is experiencing a state of wellness and realization of potential commensurate with the condition. Unlike the sick person, the impaired person cannot be expected to “want to get well” but is expected to resume as much normal behavior as is possible.sick role the role played by a person who has defined himself or herself as ill, with or without validation of the role by health care providers or family members. Adoption of the sick role changes the behavioral expectations of others toward sick persons. They are exempted from normal social responsibilities and not held responsible for the condition; they are obliged to “want to get well” and to seek competent medical help. The sick role also involves behavioral changes, including increased attention to the body and bodily functions, regression (increase in dependent behavior), narrowing of interests, and emotional overreactions.


(rōl), The pattern of behavior that a person exhibits in relationship to significant others in his or her life; it has its roots in childhood and is influenced by significant people with whom the person has or had primary relationships. [Fr.]


(rōl)n. The characteristic and expected social behavior of an individual.


(1) The function or responsibility assumed by a person—e.g., nurse, data manager, investigator—who is responsible for some aspect of a clinical trial.
(2) Classifier for variables that describe "observations" in statistical time division multiplexing (SDTM). Role is a metadata attribute that determines the type of information conveyed by an observation-describing variable and standardises rules for using the describing variable.


(rōl) 1. The pattern of behavior that one exhibits in relationship to people with whom one has or had primary relationships. 2. A socially agreed set of behaviors or accepted normative code. [Fr.]


(rōl) Pattern of behavior that a person exhibits in relationship to significant others in his or her life. [Fr.]

Patient discussion about role

Q. do these medicines have any role in diagnosis? hi …..I am scared from the day I was diagnosed with bipolar 2……my symptoms spoke its tune and I was on a verge to lose on the credits I gained just because of bipolar. I have started with the minimum dose of Paxil before the confirmation as bipolar 2. The doctor has prescribed me meds before confirmation of the disorder. I have a strong doubt. Do these medicines have any role in diagnosis…or I was put on the treatment on the basis of symptoms…..anyways I will meet my doc and confirm later….but what you guys say…..?A. Unfortunately with mental illness there is no blood test that you can get and wait for the results. With mental illness it is answers to a series of questions that will give you a diagnosis. As well starting medications to treat the illness is a way to be sure you do have that illness. I agree with Rohan I believe you are in good hands have some failth in your doctor and be thankful he is choosing to begin treating you for this illness before it becomes worse. At the beginning everyone is scared and reluctant, but working with your doctor can help you gain back control over your life. Trust him and he will help you. I wish you all the best on your journey, have failth you will be okay and you will be.

Q. please let me know my role as a health care professional in caring for a child with autism. I am a health care professional not a specialist. So consider my situation and please let me know my role as a health care professional in caring for a child with autism.A. If you can provide good nutrition that would be huge,
higly effective natural nutritionals include:
cod liver oil
flax seed oil
raw apple cider vinegar
Also, avoid highly processed foods like white sugar, white flour, an high fructose corn syrup.

Q. What role does emotion have in the life of someone with autism? I just find the whole disorder of autism hard to understand because I'm a really emotional person. I'm especially interested in how people with mild autism or Asperger's can function fine but then when it comes to feeling empathy they have such trouble. I guess my question is how such people experience emotion--are these people actually unable to care about others? My intention is not to sound ignorant, I'm genuinely curious.A. I have asperger's and most everything for me is logically analyzed and I have a difficulty knowing what emotion goes with certain situations and how the emotion manifests itself within me.
I care about others, I just cannot always put myself in their shoes and feel what they are feeling.

More discussions about role


ROLEResearch on Learning and Education
ROLERule of Law Effectiveness (project; USAID; Philippines)
ROLERecognition of Life Extinct
ROLERanolazine Open Label Experience (medication testing program)
ROLEReplacement of Legacy Electronics


Related to role: Role Conflict
  • noun

Synonyms for role

noun job


  • job
  • part
  • position
  • post
  • task
  • duty
  • function
  • office
  • capacity

noun part


  • part
  • character
  • representation
  • portrayal
  • impersonation

Synonyms for role

noun the proper activity of a person or thing


  • function
  • job
  • purpose
  • task

noun one's proper or expected function in a common effort


  • part
  • piece
  • share

Synonyms for role

noun the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group


  • function
  • office
  • part

Related Words

  • duty
  • capacity
  • hat
  • portfolio
  • lieu
  • stead
  • place
  • position
  • second fiddle

noun an actor's portrayal of someone in a play


  • persona
  • theatrical role
  • character
  • part

Related Words

  • personation
  • portrayal
  • characterization
  • enactment
  • bit part
  • minor role
  • heavy
  • hero
  • ingenue
  • name part
  • title role
  • heroine
  • baddie
  • villain

noun what something is used for


  • function
  • purpose
  • use

Related Words

  • usefulness
  • utility
  • raison d'etre

noun normal or customary activity of a person in a particular social setting

Related Words

  • activity
  • gender role
  • position




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