terrestrial winds

terrestrial winds

terrestrial windsTerresterial winds in january.Wind patterns that prevail over large regions, planetary in size and on the average fairly constant in direction. They are a major component of the general circulation; a rising motion occurs in the low latitudes where low pressure is created by maximum solar heating. A compensating inflow occurs at low levels in each hemisphere, producing the northeast tradewinds of the Northern Hemisphere. The outflow of air from the tropics in the upper troposphere is diverted by the Coriolis force to produce strong westerlies. The westerlies may become unstable and produce such mid-latitude disturbances as jet streams, cyclones, and anticyclones as well as associated secondary wind systems.
They remain essentially westerly, however, if stable. The westerlies penetrate the atmosphere to the earth's surface, where they are dissipated by friction. Also called planetary winds.