


a district in Rumania, on the eastern slopes of the Eastern Carpathians, partly in the Lower Danube Plain. Area, 4,800 sq km. Population, 362,000 (1968), of whom 20 percent live in cities. The administrative center is the city of Foc§ani. Vrancea is an important region of viticulture and wine-making. Crops sown include wheat, corn, sunflowers, and sugar beets; vegetables are also grown. The main branches of animal husbandry are cattle and sheep raising. There is logging in the mountains. Industry is represented by the food, textile, metalworking, chemical, and lumber-processing industries.



a mountain range in the southern part of the Eastern Carpathians, located in Rumania. Length, approximately 60 km. Height, up to 1,783 m (Mount Goru). This range is formed primarily of Cenozoic sandstones and clay shales. It is cut deeply by rivers of the Siret system. The Vrancea is one of the principal earthquake regions in the Carpathians. Growing on its slopes are mixed and coniferous forests (beech, oak, spruce, and fir); there are mountain meadows on the summits.