Tri Brata
Tri Brata
(Three Brothers), a group of burial mounds, dating from different times, near the city of Elista, Kalmyk ASSR. The mounds were studied by P. S. Rykov between 1933 and 1937, and by I. V. Sinitsyn between 1961 and 1966. The Tri Brata group belonged to the medieval nomadic tribes of the Sarmatians and Sau-romatians; the largest mounds, from 7 to 10 m in height, were built by cattle breeders in the second half of the third millennium and first half of the second millennium B.C. The mounds of the cattle breeders, which belong to the Catacomb culture, yielded wooden carts, pottery, articles made of bone, copper, and bronze, ornaments, and tools. In the Bronze Age, the local tribes had contacts with the metallurgical centers of the Northern Caucasus.
Rykov, P. S. “Arkheologicheskie raskopki kurganov v urochishche ‘Tri brata’ v Kalmytskoi oblasti, proizvedennye v 1933 i 1934 gg.” Sovetskaia arkheologiia, 1936, vol. 1.Sinitsyn, I. V. “Pamiatniki predskifskoi epokhi v stepiakh Nizhnego Povolzh’ia.” Sovetskaia arkheologiia, 1948, vol. 10.
Sinitsyn, I. V., and U. E. Erdniev. Arkheologicheskie raskopki v Kalmytskoi ASSR v 1961 g. Elista, 1963.
Sinitsyn, I. V., and U. E. Erdniev. Novye arkheologicheskie pamiatniki na territorii Kalmytskoi ASSR (po raskopkam 1962–1963 gg.). Elista, 1966.