Acronym | Definition |
RAL➣Refund Anticipation Loan |
RAL➣Riverside Municipal Airport (Riverside, CA) |
RAL➣Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
RAL➣Radio Receiver (US Navy) |
RAL➣Redundant Acronym List |
RAL➣Raw Access Log |
RAL➣Registry Access Library |
RAL➣Rotate Left Arithmetic |
RAL➣Revue d'Art et de Littérature (French: Journal of Art and Literature) |
RAL➣Relación Adulta de Lactancia (Spanish: Adult Breastfeeding) |
RAL➣Riverbank Acoustical Laboratories (Alion Science and Technology; Geneva, IL) |
RAL➣Regionaal Archief Leiden (Netherlands) |
RAL➣Radio Astronomy Laboratory |
RAL➣Richmond Animal League |
RAL➣Restricted Access Location |
RAL➣Research Analytical Laboratory |
RAL➣Rear Admiral Alexandria (US Navy) |
RAL➣Real-Time Action Logic |
RAL➣Recommended Allowable Limit |
RAL➣Ringer Approximated Loading |
RAL➣Registered Asset List |
RAL➣Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein (Orthodox Rabbi) |
RAL➣Remote Area Landing |
RAL➣Recherche sur l'Acquisition des Langues (French: Research on Language Acquisition) |
RAL➣Regardless of Altitude |
RAL➣Registry Abstraction Layer |
RAL➣Required Average Life |
RAL➣Rolling About Laughing |
RAL➣Reichsausschuss für Lieferbedingungen und Gütesicherung (German: Commission for Delivery Terms and Quality Assurance) (nowadays: Deutsches Institut für Gütesicherung u. Kennzeichnung e. V) |
RAL➣Rutherford Appleton Library |
RAL➣Rydex Asset Level (finance) |