

P0064000 (păr′ə-frāz′)n.1. A restatement of a text or passage in another form or other words, often to clarify meaning.2. The restatement of texts in other words as a studying or teaching device.3. The adaptation or alteration of a text or quotation to serve a different purpose from that of the original.v. par·a·phrased, par·a·phras·ing, par·a·phras·es To restate using different words, especially to clarify.2. To adapt or alter (a text or quotation) to serve a different purpose from that of the original: "It's tempting to paraphrase an environmental slogan and say, 'Think globally, pray locally'" (Christian Science Monitor).v.intr. To compose a paraphrase.
[French, from Latin paraphrasis, from Greek, from paraphrazein, to paraphrase : para-, alongside; see para-1 + phrazein, to show, explain; see gwhren- in Indo-European roots.]
par′a·phras′a·ble adj.par′a·phras′er n.


(ˈpærəˌfreɪzə) na person who paraphrases