Seka Kutsrievich Gadiev

Gadiev, Seka Kutsrievich


Born 1855 or 1857 in the village of Novye Ganisi, Gud Gorge, Georgia; died July 21 (Aug. 3), 1915, in Vladikavkaz. Ossetian writer; the father of Ossetian prose. Born into the family of a poor mountaineer.

Gadiev’s poems and stories first appeared in print between 1905 and 1907. The main heroes of his works were the workers who were deprived of rights and seeking justice. They went to their deaths defending their liberty (the stories “Mother and Son,” “Aissa,” “The Aragvi Prince Nugzar Eristavi,” and the poem “Chermen”). The stories “Zalda,” “Azau,” “A Woman in Mourning,” and “Sadulla and Manidza” were devoted to the tragic fate of the mountain woman.


Iron fiyau. Vladikavkaz, 1905.
Uatsmïstï ämbïrdgond. Dzaudzhikau, 1947.
Ravzargäuatsmïstä. Stalinir, 1959.
In Russian translation:
Aissa. Ordzhonikidze, 1966.


Gadiev, Ts. “Seka Gadiev—osetinskii poet-samouchka.” Izv. gorskogo ped. in-ta. Vladikavkaz, 1929, vol. 5.
Dzhusoity, N. Seka Gadiev: Ocherk tvorchestva. Stalinir, 1958.
Ardasentï, Kh. “Gä diatï Sekha.” In his book Tsard ämä poëzi. Ordzhonikidze, 1962.