Acronym | Definition |
SEL➣Select |
SEL➣Service Engine Light (vehicles) |
SEL➣Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories |
SEL➣Services en Ligne (French: Online Services; various organizations) |
SEL➣Selector |
SEL➣Social and Emotional Learning |
SEL➣Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy (Indian musical trio) |
SEL➣Selig |
SEL➣Shelf Edge Label |
SEL➣Sony Electronics |
SEL➣Système d'Echange Local (French: Local Exchange System) |
SEL➣Security in E-Learning |
SEL➣Société d'Exercice Libéral (French: Private Practice Company; business provision) |
SEL➣Senior Enlisted Leader (US Navy) |
SEL➣Socket Export Layer |
SEL➣Security Enhanced Linux |
SEL➣String Expression Language |
SEL➣System Event Log |
SEL➣Single Event Latchup |
SEL➣Selection |
SEL➣Software Emulation Layer |
SEL➣Science & Engineering Library (various schools) |
SEL➣Semiconductor Energy Laboratory (Japan) |
SEL➣Standard Equipment List (various organizations) |
SEL➣System Event Log (Intel) |
SEL➣Swedish Elite League (hockey) |
SEL➣Sound Exposure Level |
SEL➣Synergy Engineering Ltd. (Canada) |
SEL➣Software Engineering Laboratory |
SEL➣Service d'Entraide et de Liaison (French: Mutual Aid Service Link) |
SEL➣Selian (linguistics) |
SEL➣Suzlon Energy Limited |
SEL➣Surface Emitting Laser |
SEL➣Suministros Electrónicos (Spanish: Electronic Supplies) |
SEL➣Sport Edition Limited (automobiles) |
SEL➣Single-Event Latchup (of electronic circuits in space) |
SEL➣Single Engine Land (FAA pilot rating) |
SEL➣Science Education Laboratory (various locations) |
SEL➣Space Environment Laboratory |
SEL➣Serial Experiments Lain (anime) |
SEL➣Scottish Enterprise Lanarkshire (economic development agency; UK) |
SEL➣Socioeconomic Level |
SEL➣State Executive Law (New York) |
SEL➣Size Exclusion Limit ( cytology) |
SEL➣Systems Engineering Laboratories |
SEL➣Système d'Etanchéité Liquide (French: Liquid Waterproofing System) |
SEL➣Safety Engineering Laboratory (Los Gatos, CA) |
SEL➣School of Engineering and Logistics |
SEL➣Serbia Esperanto-Ligo (Serbian Esperanto Association) |
SEL➣Seoul, South Korea - Kimpo International (Airport Code) |
SEL➣Solid End Link (jewelry) |
SEL➣Scientologie Espace Librairie (Scientology bookstore, France) |
SEL➣Standard Elektronik Lorenz AG (Stuttgart, Germany) |
SEL➣Safety, Enjoyment, Learning (education) |
SEL➣Secondary Epidermal Lamellae |
SEL➣Space Environmental Monitor |
SEL➣Special Equipment List |
SEL➣Swedish Eliteserien |
SEL➣Signal Engineering Laboratories |
SEL➣SATCOM Engineering Labs |
SEL➣Safetech Environmental Ltd. (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) |
SEL➣Skin-Effect Limit (microstrip lines) |
SEL➣Selected Environmental Library |
SEL➣System Effectiveness Level |
SEL➣Support/Selected Equipment List |
SEL➣Système d'Evaluation de Logement (French: Housing Evaluation System; Switzerland) |