Selawik National Wildlife Refuge

Selawik National Wildlife Refuge

Parks Directory of the United States / National Wildlife RefugesAddress:PO Box 270
Kotzebue, AK 99752

Established: 1980.
Location:Straddles the Arctic Circle in northwestern Alaska.
Activities:Camping, rafting, fishing, hiking, hunting, cross-country skiing.
Special Features:Two Inupiaq villages are within the refuge boundary and four other Inupiaq villages are located within 25 miles of the refuge. People of these villages, and from more distant Inupiaq villages, have traditionally used refuge resources for subsistence living.
Habitats: 2.15 million acres of forests, lakes, wetlands, and tundra hills.
Access: Open 24 hours a day. Refuge is roadless and is accessible only by boat, aircraft, or on foot.
Wild life: Pacific golden plovers, semi-palmated and western sandpipers, red-necked phalaropes, geese, cranes, swans, moose, caribou, brown bear, wolverine, and fox.

See other parks in Alaska.