Bazarov, Aleksandr Ivanovich
Bazarov, Aleksandr Ivanovich
Born Aug. 26, 1845, in Wiesbaden; died there on Jan. 30, 1907. Russian chemist and fruit grower.
Bazarov received the degree of doctor of philosophy from the University of Leipzig in 1868 for his dissertation, Obtaining Urea Directly From Carbon Dioxide and Ammonia (written in German), in which he described his discovery of a method for synthesizing urea by warming a mixture of carbon dioxide and ammonia to a temperature of 130–140° C under pressure. Bazarov’s reaction is widely used for the industrial production of urea. In 1871, Bazarov defended his master’s thesis, and in 1875 he defended his doctoral dissertation. Beginning in 1887 he was a member of the Scientific Committee of the Chief Administration of Land Settlement and Agriculture. Bazarov did a great deal to promote the improvement of viticulture and wine-making.