Rambourg chromic acid-phosphotungstic acid stain

Ram·bourg chro·mic ac·id-·phos·pho·tung·stic ac·id stain

(rahm'būrg), a stain for glycoproteins, used in electron microscopy, with which ultrathin tissue sections reveal complex carbohydrates in the same locations as shown by Rambourg periodic acid-chromic methenamine-silver stain.

Ram·bourg chro·mic ac·id-phos·pho·tung·stic ac·id stain

(rahm'būrg krō'mik as'id fos'fō-tŭng'stik as'id stān) A stain for glycoproteins, used with an electron microscope, with which ultrathin tissue sections reveal complex carbohydrates in the same locations as shown by Rambourg periodic acid-chromic methenamine-silver stain.