Rambourg periodic acid-chromic methenamine-silver stain

Ram·bourg per·i·od·ic ac·id-chro·mic meth·en·a·mine-sil·ver stain

(rahm'būrg), a stain for glycoproteins, used with an electron microscope, adapted from the Gomori-Jones periodic acid-methenamine-silver stain; it produces silver deposits in mature saccules of the Golgi apparatus, lysosomal vesicles, cell coat, and basement membranes.

Ram·bourg per·i·od·ic ac·id-chro·mic meth·en·a·mine-sil·ver stain

(rahm'būrg pēr'ē-od'ik as'id krō'mik meth-en'ă-mēn sil'vĕr stān) A stain for glycoproteins, used with an electron microscope, adapted from the Gomori-Jones periodic acid-methenamine-silver stain; it produces silver deposits in mature saccules of the Golgi apparatus, lysosomal vesicles, cell coat, and basement membranes.