Ramenskii, Leontii Grigorevich
Ramenskii, Leontii Grigor’evich
Born June 4(16), 1884, in St. Petersburg; died Jan. 27, 1953, in Moscow. Soviet botanist, geographer, and meadow specialist. Doctor of biological sciences (1935); member of the CPSU (from 1946).
Ramenskii graduated from the University of Petrograd in 1916. From 1911 to 1928 he worked at scientific institutions in Voronezh Province (including the University of Voronezh), and in 1928 he joined the staff of the State Meadow Institute (now the V. R. Vil’iams All-Union Research Institute of Feed Crops).
Ramenskii studied natural forage lands in a number of regions of the USSR, and in 1932 he directed an inventory of natural forage lands throughout the country. He elaborated the idea of a single typology of land, developed the ecological trend in geobotany, and introduced much that was new in the theory of geobotany (the doctrines of the continuity of plant cover and the ecological individuality of species). His work on the theory of phytocoenoses received wide recognition. Ramenskii was a pioneer in the use of quantitative methods of geobotanical research (projective calculation, standard ecological ranges) and in the study of the morphology of landforms.
Vvedenie v kompleksnoe pochvennogeobotanicheskoe issledovanie zemel’. Moscow, 1938.Ekologicheskaia otsenka kormovykh ugodii po rastitel’nomu pokrovu. Moscow, 1956. (With others.)
Problemy i metody izucheniia rastitel’nogo pokrova. Izbrannye raboty. Leningrad, 1971.
Rabotnov, T. A. “L. G. Ramenskii.” Botanicheskii zhurnal, 1953, vol. 38, no. 5. (List of works.)Estestvennye kormovye ugod’ia SSSR (collection of articles). Moscow, 1966.
Mil’kov F. N. “L. G. Ramenskii-osnovopolozhnik ucheniia o morfologii geograficheskogo landshafta.” Izvestiia AN SSSR: Seriia geograficheskaia, 1974, no. 1.