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par·a·tax·is P0066300 (păr′ə-tăk′sĭs)n. The juxtaposition of clauses or phrases without the use of coordinating or subordinating conjunctions, as It was cold; the snows came. [Greek, a placing side by side, from paratassein, to arrange side by side : para-, beside; see para-1 + tassein, tag-, to arrange.] par′a·tac′tic (-tăk′tĭk), par′a·tac′ti·cal (-tĭ-kəl) adj.par′a·tac′ti·cal·ly adv.parataxis (ˌpærəˈtæksɪs) n (Grammar) the juxtaposition of clauses in a sentence without the use of a conjunction, as for example None of my friends stayed — they all left early[C19: New Latin from Greek, from paratassein, literally: to arrange side by side, from para-1 + tassein to arrange] paratactic, paratactical adj ˌparaˈtactically advpar•a•tax•is (ˌpær əˈtæk sɪs) n. the placing together of sentences, clauses, or phrases without using conjunctive words, as Hurry up, it's getting late. Compare hypotaxis. [1835–45; < New Latin < Greek parátaxis an arranging in order for battle. See para-1, -taxis] par`a•tac′tic (-ˈtæk tɪk) par`a•tac′ti•cal, adj. par`a•tac′ti•cal•ly, adv. parataxisarrangement of thoughts as coordinate units in grammatical construction. Cf. hypotaxis. — paratactic, adj.See also: GrammarTranslations
par·a·tax·is (par'ă-tak'sis), An older term for the psychological state or repository of attitudes, ideas, and experiences accumulated during personality development that are not effectively assimilated or integrated into the growing mass and residue of the other attitudes, ideas, and experiences of an individual's personality. Synonym(s): parataxia [para- + G. taxis, orderly arrangement] |