Potter County

Potter County, Texas

PO Box 9638
Amarillo, TX 79105
Phone: (806) 379-2275
Fax: (806) 379-2296

In north-central TX panhandle, north of Lubbock; organized Aug 21, 1876 from Bexar County. Name Origin: For Robert Potter (1800-42), NC legislator (1826; 1828), U.S. representative from NC (1829-31), Republic of TX official and naval officer

Area (sq mi):: 921.98 (land 909.24; water 12.74) Population per square mile: 131.80
Population 2005: 119,852 State rank: 31 Population change: 2000-20005 5.60%; 1990-2000 16.00% Population 2000: 113,546 (White 57.70%; Black or African American 10.00%; Hispanic or Latino 28.10%; Asian 2.50%; Other 18.90%). Foreign born: 9.40%. Median age: 32.10
Income 2000: per capita $14,947; median household $29,492; Population below poverty level: 19.20% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $23,837-$24,110
Unemployment (2004): 5.60% Unemployment change (from 2000): 0.50% Median travel time to work: 17.90 minutes Working outside county of residence: 20.90%
Cities with population over 10,000:
  • Amarillo County seat (180,791)

  • See other counties in Texas.

    Potter County, Pennsylvania

    1 E 2nd St Rm 22
    Coudersport, PA 16915
    Phone: (814) 274-8290
    Fax: (814) 274-8284

    On central northern border of PA; organized Mar 26, 1804 from Lycoming County. Name Origin: For Gen. James Potter (1729-89), hero of the Revolutionary War

    Area (sq mi):: 1081.42 (land 1081.17; water 0.25) Population per square mile: 16.50
    Population 2005: 17,834 State rank: 63 Population change: 2000-20005 -1.40%; 1990-2000 8.20% Population 2000: 18,080 (White 97.70%; Black or African American 0.30%; Hispanic or Latino 0.60%; Asian 0.50%; Other 1.10%). Foreign born: 1.10%. Median age: 39.10
    Income 2000: per capita $16,070; median household $32,253; Population below poverty level: 12.70% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $24,118-$24,412
    Unemployment (2004): 6.80% Unemployment change (from 2000): 2.20% Median travel time to work: 23.20 minutes Working outside county of residence: 25.90%
    Cities with population over 10,000: None
    See other counties in Pennsylvania.

    Potter County, South Dakota

    201 S Exene St PO Box 67
    Gettysburg, SD 57442
    Phone: (605) 765-9472
    Fax: (605) 765-9670

    In north-central SD, northeast of Pierre; created as Ashmore County Jan 14, 1875 (prior to statehood) from Buffalo County; name changed 1877. Name Origin: For Dr. Joel A. Potter, legislator and steward of the State Hospital for the Insane, Yankton. Originally named for Samuel Ashmore, legislator (1872-73)

    Area (sq mi):: 898.43 (land 866.49; water 31.94) Population per square mile: 2.70
    Population 2005: 2,351 State rank: 57 Population change: 2000-20005 -12.70%; 1990-2000 -15.60% Population 2000: 2,693 (White 98.00%; Black or African American 0.00%; Hispanic or Latino 0.20%; Asian 0.20%; Other 1.70%). Foreign born: 0.50%. Median age: 45.80
    Income 2000: per capita $17,417; median household $30,086; Population below poverty level: 12.60% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $30,247-$33,394
    Unemployment (2004): 3.40% Unemployment change (from 2000): -0.20% Median travel time to work: 15.80 minutes Working outside county of residence: 8.60%
    Cities with population over 10,000: None
    See other counties in South Dakota.