Potter syndrome

Pot·ter syn·drome

(pot'ĕr), renal agenesis with hypoplastic lungs and associated neonatal respiratory distress, hemodynamic instability, acidosis, cyanosis, edema, and characteristic (Potter) facies; death usually occurs from respiratory insufficiency, which develops before uremia.

Potter syndrome

Potter phenotype Neonatology A complex of findings caused by prenatal renal failure and oligohydramnios; without the cushioning amniotic fluid, produced by the kidneys, the uterus presses directly on infant's face–see Potter's face–and limbs, which are held in abnormal positions or contractures; oligohydramnios also cause hypoplasia of lungs–which don't function properly at birth Pathogenesis Intrauterine renal defects–eg, bilateral renal agenesis–and ↓ amniotic fluid production; no kidneys, no amniotic fluid.

Pot·ter syn·drome

(pot'ĕr sin'drōm) Renal agenesis with hypoplastic lungs and associated neonatal respiratory distress, hemodynamic instability, acidosis, cyanosis, edema, and characteristic (Potter) facies; death usually occurs from respiratory insufficiency, which develops before uremia.


Edith L., U.S. perinatal pathologist, 1901–. Potter classification of polycystic kidneyPotter disease - Synonym(s): Potter faciesPotter facies - characteristic facies seen in severe renal malformations. Synonym(s): Potter diseasePotter syndrome - renal agenesis, with hypoplastic lungs and associated neonatal respiratory distress.