

单词 slipperiness



S0476900 (slĭp′ə-rē)adj. slip·per·i·er, slip·per·i·est 1. Causing or tending to cause sliding or slipping: a slippery sidewalk.2. Tending to slip, as from one's grasp: a slippery bar of soap.3. Not trustworthy; elusive or tricky: "How extraordinarily slippery a liar the camera is" (James Agee).
[Alteration of obsolete slipper, from Middle English, from Old English slipor; see lei- in Indo-European roots.]
slip′per·i·ness n.
Noun1.slipperiness - a slippery smoothnessslipperiness - a slippery smoothness; "he could feel the slickness of the tiller"slick, slickness, slipsmoothness - a texture without roughness; smooth to the touch; "admiring the slim smoothness of her thighs"; "some artists prefer the smoothness of a board"
2.slipperiness - the quality of being a slippery rascalslipperiness - the quality of being a slippery rascalshiftiness, trickiness, rascalitydishonesty - the quality of being dishonest


(slip) past tense, past participle slipped verb1. to slide accidentally and lose one's balance or footing. I slipped and fell on the path. 滑跤,滑倒 滑跤,滑倒 2. to slide, or drop, out of the right position or out of control. The plate slipped out of my grasp. 滑落 滑落3. to drop in standard. I'm sorry about my mistake – I must be slipping! 疏忽,犯(小)錯誤 疏忽,犯(小)错误 4. to move quietly especially without being noticed. She slipped out of the room. 溜掉 溜掉5. to escape from. The dog had slipped its lead and disappeared. 掙脫 挣脱6. to put or pass (something) with a quick, light movement. She slipped the letter back in its envelope. 塞入 塞入 noun1. an act of slipping. Her sprained ankle was a result of a slip on the path.2. a usually small mistake. Everyone makes the occasional slip. 疏忽 疏忽3. a kind of undergarment worn under a dress; a petticoat. 襯裙(等)內衣 衬裙(等)内衣 4. (also ˈslipway) a sloping platform next to water used for building and launching ships. (船塢中的)滑台 (船坞中的)滑台 ˈslipper noun a loose, soft kind of shoe for wearing indoors. 拖鞋 拖鞋ˈslippery adjective1. so smooth as to cause slipping. The path is slippery – watch out! 滑的 滑的2. not trustworthy. He's rather a slippery character. 不可靠的,不可信任的 不可靠的ˈslipperiness noun 圓滑 圆滑slip road a road for joining or leaving a motorway. 交流道 叉道ˈslipshod adjective (of work etc) untidy; careless. The teacher told him his work was slipshod. 馬虎的 马虎的give (someone) the slip to escape from or avoid (someone) in a secretive manner. The crooks gave the policemen the slip. 乘不備時溜掉 乘不备时溜掉let slip1. to miss (an opportunity etc). I let the chance slip, unfortunately. 錯過機會 错过机会2. to say (something) unintentionally. She let slip some remark about my daughter. 無意中說出 无意中说出slip into to put on (clothes) quickly. She slipped into her nightdress. 匆忙穿上 匆忙穿上slip off1. to take (clothes) off quickly. Slip off your shoe. 匆忙脫掉 匆忙脱掉2. to move away noiselessly or hurriedly. We'll slip off when no-one's looking. 悄悄(或急匆匆)走掉 悄悄(或急匆匆)走掉 slip on to put on (clothes) quickly. 匆忙穿上 匆忙穿上slip up to make a mistake; to fail to do something: They certainly slipped up badly over the new appointment (noun ˈslip-up) 犯錯誤,失誤 犯错误,失误


  • noun

Synonyms for slipperiness

noun a slippery smoothness


  • slick
  • slickness
  • slip

Related Words

  • smoothness

noun the quality of being a slippery rascal


  • shiftiness
  • trickiness
  • rascality

Related Words

  • dishonesty




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