

单词 parc
释义 DictionarySeeXerox





(Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated, Palo Alto, CA, www.parc.com) Founded in 1970, PARC is a Xerox subsidiary involved in high-tech research and development. Although Xerox's headquarters are in Stamford, Connecticut, and manufacturing and marketing are in Rochester, New York, PARC is located in the heart of Silicon Valley.

Over the years, PARC has made significant contributions to the computer industry, including the development of the Smalltalk programming language, graphical user interface (GUI), Ethernet networking and laser printing. It continues to be on the cutting edge of technology. Although well known throughout the high-tech world, PARC was one of several Xerox research centers until early 2002, when it was spun off as a separate subsidiary. See Xerox.

PARC is located in the Stanford University Industrial Park in Palo Alto, California. (Image courtesy of Palo Alto Research Center; Brian Tramontana, photographer.)


PARCPalo Alto Research Center (Xerox)
PARCPartners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
PARCParking Access and Revenue Control
PARCPalo Alto Research Center
PARCper Antenna Rate Control
PARCPurchased and Rented Computers
PARCPixel Aspect Ratio Correction
PARCPakistan Agricultural Research Council
PARCPrison Activist Resource Center (Berkeley, CA)
PARCPalestinian Agricultural Relief Committees (Palestine)
PARCPolice Assessment Resource Center
PARCPrincipal Assistant Responsible for Contracting
PARCPinellas Association for Retarded Children
PARCParks and Recreation Commission
PARCProgram on the Analysis and Resolution of Conflicts (Syracuse University)
PARCPacific Alaska Range Complex
PARCPublic Access Resource Center
PARCPalomar Amateur Radio Club
PARCPlattsburgh Airbase Redevelopment Corporation
PARCPesticide Analytical and Response Center (Oregon Department of Human Services)
PARCPopulation Aging Research Center (Pennsylvania)
PARCPennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens
PARCParkdale Activity and Recreation Centre
PARCPerformance-based Operations Aviation Rulemaking Committee (Federal Aviation Adiministration)
PARCPortland Amateur Radio Club
PARCPer-Antenna Rate Control
PARCPeripheral Atherosclerosis Research Consortium
PARCPortland Area Radio Council (Oregon)
PARCPublic Administration Research and Consultation Center
PARCPremium Asset Recovery Corporation (Deerfield Beach, FL)
PARCPan American Racquetball Confederation
PARCPeople Against the River Crossing (UK)
PARCPililaau Army Recreation Center
PARCPlanning and Review Committee
PARCPolycyclic Aromatic Ring Cleavage
PARCPacific AIDS Research Center (Vancouver, BC Canada)
PARCPonthieu Auto Retro Club (French automobile club)
PARCProtected Area for Resource Conservation (Vietnam)
PARCPrincipal Advisor Responsible Contractor
PARCPhysical Activity and Recreation Center (Nortel; Canada)
PARCPlans And Requirements Committee
PARCProgressive Aircraft Reconditioning Cycle
PARCPacific Asia Resources Centre




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