selective neck dissection

selective neck dissection

A term of art referring to any type of cervical lymphadenectomy for managing cancer, in which one or more of the lymph node groups that would be otherwise removed in a radical neck dissection is preserved.
Type of selective neck dissections
Lateral neck dissection, posterolateral neck dissection, supraomohyoid neck dissection, extended supraomohyoid neck dissection.

selective neck dissection

Surgical oncology A procedure for managing laryngeal CA, in which only the anatomic regions most likely
to contain cancer-laden lymph nodes are removed, thus ↓ tissue loss, ↓ co-morbidity. See Head and neck cancer. Cf Radical neck dissection.

selective neck dissection

One of several operations used for staging and treatment of neck cancers. In the most commonly used approach, the tissues above the omohyoid, including the submandibular gland and lymphatics, are removed. See also: dissection