Pardon of Nossa Senhora dos Remedios

Pardon of Nossa Senhora dos Remédios

Early SeptemberBoth religious and secular activities play a part in the Pardon of Nossa Senhora dos RemÉdios, a pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Remedies in Lamego, Portugal, a small town known for its port wine and smoked ham. Great numbers of pilgrims climb the monumental staircase up to the baroque church, but the highlight of the festival is the triumphal procession on the last day, in which thousands of country people in local costume participate. There is also a battle of flowers, a folklore festival, fireworks, sports contests, and handicraft exhibitions.
Portuguese National Tourist Office
590 Fifth Ave., 4th Fl.
New York, NY 10036
800-767-8842 or 212-354-4403; fax: 212-764-6137
IntlThFolk-1979, p. 308