Ramiro I

Ramiro I

(rämē`rō), d. 1063, first king of AragónAragón
, autonomous community (1991 pop. 1,221,546), 18,382 sq mi (47,609 sq km), and former kingdom, NE Spain, bordered on the N by France. Land and People
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 (1035–63), illegitimate son of Sancho IIISancho III
or Sancho the Great
, c.970–1035, king of Navarre (1000–1035). Having inherited the kingdom of Navarre, which included Aragón, he launched an annexation campaign that made him the leading power in Christian Spain. After conquering (c.
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 of Navarre, from whom he inherited Aragón. After the death of his half-brother Gonzalo he annexed Sobrarbe and Ribagorza and fought unsuccessfully against the Moorish king of Zaragoza. He died while fighting the Castilians at Graus and was succeeded by his son, Sancho ISancho I
(Sancho Ramírez) , 1045?–1094, king of Aragón (1063–94) and, as Sancho V, king of Navarre (1076–94); son and successor of Ramiro I.
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