Acronym | Definition |
SLL➣SuperLuigiLogan (series) |
SLL➣SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) Local Link |
SLL➣Sierra Leone Leone (national currency) |
SLL➣State Library of Louisiana (Baton Rouge, LA) |
SLL➣Sandoval Lake Lodge (Peru) |
SLL➣Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma |
SLL➣Seamless Link |
SLL➣Sick, Lame and Lazy (military slang) |
SLL➣Shift Left Logical |
SLL➣Saving Londoners' Lives (London, UK) |
SLL➣Singly Linked List (computer programming) |
SLL➣Suomen Lukiolaisten Liitto Ry (Finnish: Union of Finnish Upper Secondary School Students) |
SLL➣Stop Look Listen |
SLL➣Side-Lobe Level |
SLL➣Standard Linear and Logic |
SLL➣Single-Loop Learning (learning within a paradigmatic context) |
SLL➣Sociedad Laboral Limitada |
SLL➣Service Language Layer (programming) |
SLL➣Stanford Learning Laboratory (Stanford University; Stanford, CA) |
SLL➣Sandia Laboratories Livermore |
SLL➣Statically Linked Library |
SLL➣Structured Lease Line |
SLL➣Sims: Livin' Large (game) |
SLL➣Secondary Lobe Level |
SLL➣Specified Long-Term Load (voltage) |
SLL➣Score Linked List |