submandibular triangle

sub·man·dib·u·lar tri·an·gle

[TA] the triangle of the neck bounded by the mandible and the two bellies of the digastric muscle; it contains the submandibular gland. Synonym(s): trigonum submandibulare [TA], digastric triangle, submaxillary triangle

sub·man·dib·u·lar tri·an·gle

(sŭb'man-dib'yū-lăr trī'ang-gĕl) [TA] The triangle of the neck bounded by the mandible and the two bellies of the digastric muscle; it contains the submandibular gland.
Synonym(s): trigonum submandibulare [TA] , digastric triangle.

submandibular triangle

The triangular region of the neck, bounded by the inferior border of the mandible, the stylohyoid muscle and the posterior belly of the digastric muscle, and the anterior belly of the digastric muscle; it is one of three triangles included in the anterior triangle of the neck. This was formerly called the submaxillary triangle. See also: triangle

sub·man·dib·u·lar tri·an·gle

(sŭb'man-dib'yū-lăr trī'ang-gĕl) [TA] Area of neck bounded by mandible and two bellies of digastric muscle.
Synonym(s): submaxillary triangle.