tertian fever

vi·vax ma·lar·i·a

a malarial fever with paroxysms that typically recur every 48 hours or every other day (every third day, reckoning the day of the paroxysm as the first); the fever is induced by release of merozoites and their invasion of new red blood corpuscles. Synonym(s): benign tertian fever, benign tertian malaria, malaria tertiana, tertian fever, tertian malaria, vivax fever

tertian fever

Tertian malaria Infectious disease A fever characterized by febrile paroxysms occurring every 3rd day, as in the 48-hr febrile peaks in P vivax malaria–benign tertian malaria; malignant TF is caused by the virulent P falciparum which, in its most intense form, may be fatal within days. See Malaria. Cf Quartan fever.

tertian fever

Fever in MALARIA caused by the invasion of new red blood cells by Plasmodium vivax. This occurs in a 48 hour cycle.