Pouring of Forms
Pouring of Forms
the process of filling a casting mold with melt; one of the critical final operations in casting production. The forms are filled at a rate established for each casting and within a specific temperature interval. Disruption of these parameters causes defects in the castings.
Forms are usually poured from teeming ladles. Manual or crane ladles are used, depending on the volume and designation of the castings and the nature of the production. The melt is poured from the ladle into the open form in a free jet through a gating system. In series and mass production the pouring is done by conveyer on stationary or movable pouring machines. Form-pouring by the centrifugal casting and injection mold methods has some special features. On centrifugal casting machines the pouring is done at high speed by centrifugal force. In die casting, the melt is forced out by pneumatic or hydraulic ejectors. During vacuum casting, forms are also poured without ladles.