Banti syndrome

Ban·ti syn·drome

(bahn'tē), chronic congestive splenomegaly that occurs primarily in children as a sequel to hypertension in the portal or splenic veins, usually as a result of thrombosis in those veins; anemia, splenomegaly, and irregular episodes of gastrointestinal bleeding are usually observed, with ascites, jaundice, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia developing in various combinations. Synonym(s): Banti disease, splenic anemia

Banti syndrome

A condition characterised by splenomegaly due to obstruction of the portal, hepatic or splenic veins, resulting in portal hypertension, anaemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, gastrointestinal bleeding, variable ascites and jaundice.

Banti syndrome

(ban′tē) [Guido Banti, It. physician, 1852–1925] A syndrome combining anemia, splenic enlargement, hemorrhage, and, ultimately, cirrhosis; secondary to portal hypertension.


Guido, Italian physician, 1852-1925. Banti disease - Synonym(s): Banti syndromeBanti syndrome - chronic congestive splenomegaly occurring primarily in children as a sequel to hypertension in the portal or splenic veins. Synonym(s): Banti disease; splenic anemia