squamous metaplasia

squa·mous met·a·pla·si·a

the transformation of glandular or mucosal epithelium into stratified squamous epithelium. Synonym(s): epidermalization

squa·mous met·a·pla·si·a

(skwā'mŭs met'ă-plā'zē-ă) The transformation of glandular or mucosal epithelium into stratified squamous epithelium.
Synonym(s): epidermalization.

Patient discussion about squamous metaplasia

Q. what is fragments of endocervical glandular mucosa with inflammation and squamous metaplasia fragments of endocervical glandular mucosaA. It means that part of the mucose on the cervix area has changes from a certain kind of mucose cells to another, and that there is a bit of an inflammation around it. This should be brought to the knowledge of a gynecologist and be monitored by him/her.

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