Tuscarora State Park

Tuscarora State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Pennsylvania
Location:South of Barnesville, on PA Route 54.
Facilities:6 camping cottages, picnic areas, snack bar, hiking trails (3 miles), swimming beach, bathhouse, boat rentals, boat launch, boat mooring.
Activities:Boating (electric motors only), fishing, swimming, hiking, hunting, ice fishing, ice skating, sledding, nature programs.
Special Features:Park is in the area known locally as "Locust Valley," which was spared the ravages of the coal mining that once was the dominant industry of the region.
Address:687 Tuscarora Park Rd
Barnesville, PA 18214

Web: www.dcnr.state.pa.us/stateparks/parks/tuscarora.aspx
Size: 1,618 acres.

See other parks in Pennsylvania.