Acronym | Definition |
TESA➣Texas Association of School Administrators |
TESA➣Teacher Expectations/Student Achievement |
TESA➣Technology Enhanced Student Assessment (Oregon schools) |
TESA➣Texas Educational Support Staff Association (Houston, TX; est. 1951) |
TESA➣Testicular Epididymal Sperm Aspiration |
TESA➣Técnicos Ejecutores S.A. (Peru) |
TESA➣Telefonica de España S.A. |
TESA➣Technical Expert Status Accreditation |
TESA➣Texas Elks State Association |
TESA➣Teacher Education Student Association |
TESA➣Theater Environmental Situational Awareness |
TESA➣Test and Evaluation Support Activity (US Army) |
TESA➣Talleres de Escoriaza SA (Spain) |
TESA➣Tunable Electrically Small Antenna |