Romanowsky blood stain

Ro·ma·now·sky blood stain

(rō-mah-nof'skē), prototype of the eosin-methylene blue stains for blood smears, using aqueous solutions made of a mixture of methylene blue (saturated) and eosin. Romanowsky-type stains depend for their action on compounds formed by interaction of methylene blue and eosin; most are of no value if water is present in the alcohol because neutral dyes precipitate.

Ro·ma·now·sky blood stain

(rō-mah-nof'skē blŭd stān) Prototype of the eosin-methylene blue stains for blood smears, using aqueous solutions made of a mixture of methylene blue (saturated) and eosin. Romanowsky-type stains depend for their action on compounds formed by interaction of methylene blue and eosin; most are of no value if water is present in the alcohol because neutral dyes become precipitated.


Dimitri L., Russian physician, 1861-1921. Romanowsky blood stain - prototype of the eosin-methylene blue stains for blood smears.