Romanus IV

Romanus IV

(Romanus Diogenes) (dīŏj`ənēz), d. 1072, Byzantine emperor (1068–71). A Cappadocian general, he succeeded Constantine X by marrying his widow, Eudocia Macrembolitissa. After some early successes against the Seljuk Turks he was crushingly defeated and captured (1071) by Alp Arslan at ManzikertManzikert
, Turk. Malazgirt, village, E Turkey, SE of Erzurum. It was an important town of ancient Armenia. A council held there in A.D. 726 reasserted the independence of the Armenian Church from the Orthodox Eastern Church.
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. He was ransomed and promised to pay tribute, but he was deposed and blinded by his stepson, Michael VII, and soon died.