

单词 tortured



T0283300 (tôr′chər)n.1. Infliction of severe physical pain as a means of punishment or coercion.2. Excruciating physical or mental pain; agony: the torture suffered by inmates in the camp.3. An experience or cause of severe pain or anguish: "Just to watch them handling thick woolen winter coats in that heat was, for me, a torture" (Arthur Miller).tr.v. tor·tured, tor·tur·ing, tor·tures 1. To subject (a person or animal) to torture.2. To bring great physical or mental pain upon (another). See Synonyms at afflict.3. To overwork, misinterpret, or distort: torture a metaphor throughout an essay; torture a rule to make it fit a case.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin tortūra, from Latin tortus, past participle of torquēre, to twist; see terkw- in Indo-European roots.]
tor′tur·er n.
Adj.1.tortured - experiencing intense pain especially mental paintortured - experiencing intense pain especially mental pain; "an anguished conscience"; "a small tormented schoolboy"; "a tortured witness to another's humiliation"anguished, tormentedsorrowful - experiencing or marked by or expressing sorrow especially that associated with irreparable loss; "sorrowful widows"; "a sorrowful tale of death and despair"; "sorrowful news"; "even in laughter the heart is sorrowful"- Proverbs 14:13


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the intentional infliction of severe physical or mental pain or suffering in order to intimidate, coerce, obtain information or a confession, or punish. In international law, the term is usually further restricted to actions committed by persons acting in an official capacity.

The UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which came into force in 1987 and to which more than two thirds of the world's nations are parties, bans torture and other abusive treatment of any person, as well as forcibly transferring a person to a nation when there is reason to believe that the person will be tortured. Parties to the treaty must periodically report and answer questions on their compliance before the Committee against Torture in Geneva. The convention restates much of an earlier General Assembly declaration (1975), and the earlier Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966; in force, 1976) also banned torture. In addition, agreements sponsored by regional international organizations also forbid the practice, as do the Geneva Conventions. Despite these international agreements, Amnesty International indicated (2007) that there were reports of the use of torture or other forms of abuse by security or police forces in 102 nations in 2006.

The utility of torture in obtaining useful information from individuals is a matter of debate, and the arguments on both sides rely on anecdotal evidence. Torture is most often justified, even by those who oppose its use generally, in situations where interrogators seek to obtain information from a suspect who has knowledge of an imminent and devastating attack. Whether a terror suspect who had knowledge of a "ticking timebomb" would divulge any useful information under torture likely depends on the psychology of the suspect. That tortured individuals divulge false information is known to be true, and an instance of this was reported to have contributed to the Bush administration's belief that Iraq had helped train militant Islamic terrorists. Studies also have shown that extreme stress can detrimentally affect memory, suggesting that torture, especially if prolonged, might in fact impair recall.

The United States, which regularly denounces the use of torture and abuse internationally in the State Dept.'s well-regarded Human Rights Reports, found itself the object of international criticism when, in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, Justice Dept. and other administration legal officials construed international strictures against torture narrowly so as to expand the harsh "enhanced interrogation" techniques that could be used, especially by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), when questioning suspected terrorists. Defense Dept. officials asserted (2003) that, as commander in chief, the president was not bound by the international commitments the United States had made concerning the use of torture and could approve any technique that would protect national security. U.S. government officials also argued that harsh treatment was not torture if an interrogator did not intend to torture a prisoner. Some have contended that such arguments directly contributed to reported abuses of terror suspects held at the GuantánamoGuantánamo
, city (1994 est. pop. 200,000), capital of Guantánamo prov., SE Cuba, on the Guaso River. It is the processing center for a rich sugar- and coffee-producing region and has road and rail connections with Santiago de Cuba. Founded in the early 19th cent.
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 Bay naval base and to notorious abuses of Iraqis at the Abu GhraibAbu Ghraib
or Abu Ghurayb
, infamous prison located in the town of Abu Ghraib, c.20 mi (32 km) W of Baghdad, Iraq. Built by British contractors in the 1960s, it occupies c.280 acres (113 hectares) and is comprised of five separate compounds.
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 prison. The United States also has transferred lesser terror suspects for detention and interrogation to countries where those suspects were citizens even when those countries were listed in State Dept. reports as using torture, although U.S. officials ostensibly have obtained guarantees against the use of torture in such cases.

U.S. officials subsequently (2004) issued guidelines that called torture abhorrent and retreated on many points from earlier memorandums, but it remained unclear to what degree Bush administration considered the CIA to be bound by U.S. law and international agreements. Revelations concerning Bush administration memorandums and practices led Senator John McCainMcCain, John Sidney, 3d,
1936–2018, U.S. politician, b. Panama Canal Zone. A much decorated navy veteran, he was born into a career naval family and attended the U.S. Naval Academy, graduating in 1958.
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, who had himself been tortured while a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War, to seek (2005) legislation banning cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment of terror suspects in U.S. custody, no matter where they are held. It was reported in 2007 that in 2005 the Justice Dept. secretly approved the use of harsh interrogation tactics, including simulated drowning ("waterboarding"), by the CIA. In 2009 it was reported that that the treatment of at least one person held at Guantánamo Bay had met the legal definition of torture and that a secret 2007 International Committee of the Red Cross report had concluded that CIA treatment of some detainees constituted torture. In 2008 President Bush vetoed legislation that would have required the CIA to adhere to U.S. army interrogation standards, but in 2009 President Obama banned any methods that could be considered torture. A Senate Intelligence Committee report whose conclusions were publicly released in 2014 provided details on the use of torture by the CIA in the aftermath of the 2001 terrorist attacks, relying on the CIA's own documents, and asserted that the CIA's claims of the usefulness of brutal interrogation were contradicted by its own documents. The Senate report largely echoed a nonpartisan review of interrogation and detention practices after 2001 that was released in 2013.


See K. J. Greenberg and J. L. Dratel, ed., The Torture Papers: The Road to Abu Ghraib (2005); D. Rejali, Torture and Democracy (2007); J. Jaffer and A. Singh, Administration of Torture: A Documentary Record from Washington to Abu Ghraib and Beyond (2007); A. M. Dershowitz, Is There a Right To Remain Silent?: Coercive Interrogation and the Fifth Amendment after 9/11 (2008); M. Cohn, ed., The United States and Torture (2011); R. M. Palitto, ed., Torture and State Violence in the United States (2011); M. Fallon, Unjustifiable Means (2017).

Torture of a reputed witch, Herr Lirtzen, Burgomaster of Rheinbach, in 1631. Having endured continuous torture for twenty-four hours, Lirtzen refused to confess to witchcraft and was burnt on the order of Judge Buirmann two days later. Courtesy Fortean Picture Library.


(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

The vast majority of the evidence obtained during the persecutions—evidence that purportedly showed witchcraft to be aligned with black magic and Satanism—was coerced from the accused through the use of torture. Doreen Valiente put it best when she said, "Were I to tell the full and detailed story of how the supposed followers of the Christian God of Love have smeared their blood-stained hands over the pages of human history, I would be accused of anti-Christian prejudice. Yet every detail of such an accusation could be supported by documentary evidence, in sickening abundance."

Torture was widely employed across continental Europe and also in Scotland. It was not permitted in England, although some witch hunters, including Matthew Hopkins, managed to skirt the regulations on most occasions.

In some trials the judge falsely pronounced that confession was obtained without the aid of torture. In his book Cautio Criminales (1631), Friedrich von Spee said, "I wondered at this and made inquiry and learned that in reality they were tortured, but only in an iron vice with sharp-edged bars over the shins, in which they are pressed like a cake, bringing blood and causing intolerable pain, and this is technically called without torture, deceiving those who do not understand the phrases of the inquisition." Doreen Valiente further commented, "The prisoner was stripped and made ready. Women prisoners were supposed to be stripped by respectable matrons; but in practice they were roughly handled and sometimes raped by the torturer's assistants. Then some preliminary taste of torture was inflicted on them, such as whipping, or an application of the thumb-screws. This preparatory examination was not officially reckoned as torture; so those who confessed anything under it were stated in the court records to have confessed voluntarily, without torture."

Heinrich Kramer and Jakob Sprenger's infamous Malleus Maleficarum of 1486 emphasized the appropriateness of torture, stating that only confessions obtained under such extremes might be considered genuine and valid. The two monks said, "Some are so soft-hearted and feeble-minded that at the least torture they will confess anything, whether it be true or not [author's italics]. Others are so stubborn that, however much they are tortured, the truth is not to be had from them. There are others who, having been tortured before, are the better able to endure it a second time, since their arms have become accomodated to the stretchings and twistings involved; whereas the effect on others is to make them weaker, so that they can the less easily endure torture."

Malleus Maleficarum prescribed first-degree tortures and second-degree, or "Final," tortures. Those of the first degree included being stripped and flogged, being placed on the rack, and being subjected to the "Spanish Boots," named from their use during the Spanish Inquisition. There were two types of boot: one was adjustable, like a vise, to crush the feet and legs; the other was a large metal device into which boiling water or oil could be poured. The second-degree tortures included the strappado, thumbscrews, squassation, and breaking on the wheel. In the city of Offenburg, Germany, the accused were strapped into an iron chair with a seat studded with iron spikes and a fire lit beneath it.

Accusors considered confession by the witch herself to be the best way to prove witchcraft and especially the Pact with the Devil. They believed that torture was necessary to obtain that confession. Many of the tortures applied are illustrated in contemporary engravings. One such illustration shows thirty people imprisoned in a small room, chained together in pairs. Deprived of food, they eventually became delirious through hunger and began tearing each other to pieces. Other illustrations show people stripped naked and dragged along a tightly-drawn rope which, acting like a saw, would cut the body in two. Some were tied to stakes with fires lit a short distance away, so that they would burn very slowly. Other methods included disemboweling, eye-gouging, flogging, burning, stretching on a rack, and pouring water into the stomach until it swelled and burst, as well as squassation and the use of ovens and red-hot pincers. One ingenious torture involved trapping dormice on the victim's stomach, with a bowl over them. A fire was then kindled on top of the bowl, prompting the dormice to burrow into the stomach in an attempt to escape the heat. This particular cruelty was committed in the Gueux, Holland (pictured in Theatrum Crudelitatum nostri Temporis, Antwerp, 1587).

A common torture was the strappado, from the Latin strappare, "to pull," which involved pulling the victim's limbs from the sockets. His or her hands were tied behind the back and then a rope passed over a pulley in the ceiling. Hauling on the rope, the torturers lifted the victim off the floor, then tied weights to the feet until the arms separated from their sockets. Additionally, the person was often raised to near the ceiling, then allowed to fall but stopped just short of the ground. Pregnant women were allowed to land on their belly.

Other extreme tortures included the cutting off of hands and ears, immersion in scalding baths laced with lime, and the searing of the flesh with red-hot pincers. If an accused witch later recanted his or her confession, he or she was immediately returned to the torture chamber. In 1630, in Bamberg, Germany, Barbara Schwartz was tortured eight times.

Age was no barrier to torture. The elderly and the very young were all subjected to the same atrocities. In Bamberg, in 1614, a woman of seventy-four died under torture, while in Catton, in Suffolk, England, an eighty-year-old woman was repeatedly forced to sit on a chair studded with the points of knives. In 1617, at Castletown on the Isle of Man, Margaretine Quane and her ten-year-old son were both burned alive at the stake. At Rintel, in 1689, a nine-year-old girl was flogged while watching her grandmother burn at the stake, and at Würzburg, Germany, in 1628, two eleven-year-old girls were burned.

Over the years authorites changed and with them, so did the methods of torture. In Alsace, France, in 1573, a woman was accused by the Protestants and found not guilty. Four years later she was again accused, this time by the Catholics. They tortured her seven times before obtaining a "confession," then found her guilty and burned her at the stake. Sir John Fortescue (In Praise of the Laws of England, 1468) commented on the French laws: "They choose rather to put the accused themselves to the rack till they confess their guilt. . . . Some are extended on the rack till their very sinews crack, and the veins gush out in streams of blood: others have weights hung to their feet till their limbs are almost torn asunder and the whole body distorted: some have their mouths gagged to such a wideness for such a long time, whereat such quantities of water are poured in that their bellies swell to a prodigious degree, and then being pierced by a faucet, spigot, or other instrument for the purpose, the water spouts out in great abundance, like the whale. . . . To describe the inhumanity of such exquisite tortures affects me with too real a concern, and the varieties of them are not to be recounted in a large volume."


Marsyasflute player who challenges Apollo, loses, and is flayed alive for his presumption. [Gk. Myth.: Brewer Dictionary, 588]St. Bartholomewmartyr flayed alive before being crucified. [Hagiog.: Collier’s, III, 77]
References in periodicals archiveTORTURE AND THE DISSOCIATION OF THE PUBLIC FROM THE TORTUREDTorture as rhetoricThis is not to say that Ballengee disregards the perspective of the tortured. For, while she remains concerned primarily with the effect of torture on an audience, her research shows great breadth, referring to the Hegelian dialectic that informs much of the contemporary rhetoric on torture, as well as to Scarry's seminal work The Body in Pain.Ballengee, Jennifer R. The Wound and the Witness: The Rhetoric of TortureIt is a shame that there is so little campaigning from Muslims on the issue of torture, even though those who are being tortured everywhere are primarily Muslims.Torture is Evil, Not a Forensic TechniqueWhile dictatorships and authoritarian regimes may have tortured more, and more indiscriminately, it is the police and the military in the main democratic states who were leaders in adapting and innovating clean methods of torture; methods which after World War II spread all over the world....Rejali new torture book is honored by scholarsBut the threat of imprisonment can hardly be likened to the actual process of being tortured; and imprisonment itself is a punishment after the event, not a precursory means of extracting information.The utility of tortureThat seems to me to be the proper balance if it is reasonably certain the person being tortured (and how do we define torture?) has information that will save innocent lives.Cal Thomas Backs Torture To 'Save Lives'Since 1994 South Africa has been accepting increasing numbers of asylum seekers from other African countries, and a significant number of these people have been tortured. The United Nations High Commission for Refugees has records of approximately 30 000 refugees and 140 000 asylum seekers currently in South Africa, the majority of whom come from countries in Central and Eastern Africa.Tortured exiles--an invisible populationFirst, Jack Bauer on 24 has personally tortured at least one wrong person and has murdered at least one witness who was the only lead to a dangerous conspiracy.Ticking ethicsPublic Safety Minister Stockwell Day says he has faith that Egypt will not mistreat such individuals when they return; the Egyptian ambassador to Canada says Coptic Christians are in no way persecuted, imprisoned or tortured because of their religion.Egyptian Coptic Christians fear death if deportedOrtiz, who travels the country talking about how torture affects the tortured and the torturer, speaks from horrific personal experience.A victim of torture speaks out on U.S. apathyIt also creates the danger that at least some of the torturers will enjoy it, particularly if they have been primed to see the one being tortured as an evil, subhuman creature getting his just deserts.Torturing logic: is pulling fingernails really just an aggressive manicure?In late November, the European Union began an investigation into whether the United States was contravening international law by refueling in EU airports while transporting prisoners to so-called "black sites" in Europe where they would be tortured.Stop torture now


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noun The infliction of extreme pain on a partner to enhance the sexual experience, usually understood to mean in the context of BDSM role-play.
verb To inflict extreme pain on a partner to enhance the sexual experience, usually understood to mean in the context of BDSM role-play.


(tor′chŭr) [L. tortura, a twisting] Infliction of severe mental or physical pain by various methods, usually for the purpose of coercion.
References in periodicals archiveTorture also functions to create communities exclusive of the tortured individual through mystification of the victim's shared human corporeality with the public.Torture as rhetoricEmploying a Bakhtinian analysis of Leukippe and Kleitophon enables Ballengee to claim that the erotic body, in this form tortured or pained by way of impaling or other "erotic" attempts at humiliation or pain, acts as a place to which the witness's gaze is directed, furthering her argument that the suffering body is the site of how one understands the limits of bodily integrity and the consequences of that body's vulnerability.Ballengee, Jennifer R. The Wound and the Witness: The Rhetoric of TortureA recent Indian governmental investigation by a special attorney -- the Ravi Chander Report -- exposed how the Indian police had randomly arrested several youth in India and tortured them trying to force them to confess to terrorism.Torture is Evil, Not a Forensic TechniqueHowever, the Israeli torture regime involved widespread abuses that continued even after it was supposedly abandoned; hundreds of innocent Palestinians were tortured. (6) I conclude, contra Bagaric and Clarke, that institutionalized torture, including of the kind that they recommend (exemplified by the legalized Israeli torture regime), is profoundly corrosive of moral standards.The utility of tortureAlthough the tortured exiles come from a broad range of backgrounds, they share experiences of torture, fleeing from their homes and leaving loved ones behind, the often arduous journey to South Africa, and the struggle to build a new life in a country that is sometimes very hostile.Tortured exiles--an invisible populationShe was gang raped and thrown into a pit filled with human bodies, "children, women and men, some decapitated, some caked with blood, some dead, some alive." And, she said, "worse than the physical torture was hearing the screams of the others being tortured."A victim of torture speaks out on U.S. apathyIn the United States, talk of torture is limited to alleged Islamist terrorists from whom we want information, and we decline to acknowledge that detainees in Guantanamo Bay are tortured. But the International Red Cross says they are.Stop torture nowTo sum it up succinctly, people aren't to be "disappeared," tortured, or denied due process of law.The issue at handTorture victims also offer untrue "confessions" and readily implicate innocent people, who may well then be tortured in turn.'We do not torture'"If we are complicit in any way in torture around the world, what will we say to the terrorists who tortured Ken Bigley?Don't use information gained by torture, UK victims urge GovernmentHoushang Bouzari, an Iranian born businessman, was abducted and tortured while on a trip to Iran in 1993 after he ran afoul of the son of the country's president.Today's trialOf course, these scholars and others are advocating that only "really dangerous" people be tortured. Apparently my being a nun teaching Mayan children in Guatemala was thought sufficiently dangerous that I should be burned, raped, and otherwise brutalized.Mr. President, stop the torture! Abu Ghraib is only the latest chapter in America's long-standing involvement in torture


  • adj

Synonyms for tortured

adj experiencing intense pain especially mental pain


  • anguished
  • tormented

Related Words

  • sorrowful




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