Walter Von Wartburg

Wartburg, Walter Von


Born May 18, 1888, in Riedholz, Solothurn Canton. Swiss linguist; professor at the universities of Bern and Lausanne (1928), Leipzig (1929), and Basel (1940). From 1935 to 1939 he lectured at the University of Chicago. Since 1948 he has been a member of the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin (German Democratic Republic) and the academies in Leipzig, Florence, Rome, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Helsinki, and Bucharest. His research on the history, etymology, morphology, and syntax of the French language is of considerable scholarly importance. His major work was the French Etymological Dictionary (1922).


Einführung in Problematik and Methodik der Sprachwissenschaft. Halle/Saale, 1943.
Problèmes et méthodes de la linguistique, 2nd ed. Paris, 1963.
Die Entstehung der romanischen Völker. Halle/Saale, 1939.
Von Sprache und Mensch. Bern, 1956.
Die Ausgliederung der romanischen Sprachräume. Bern, 1950.
Evolution et structure de la langue française, 3rd ed. Bern, 1946.
Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue française, 4th ed. Paris, 1964.


Jordan, J. Lingüistica Romanica. Bucharest, 1962. Pages 231-34.
Etymologica: Walter von Wartburg zum siebzigsten Geburtstag. Tūbingen, 1958.

T. V.