adult stem cell

multipotent adult progenitor cell

stem cells isolated from marrow of postnatal people. Synonym(s): adult stem cell

Adult Stem Cell

An undifferentiated cell, first identified in bone marrow, but found everywhere in the body after embryonic development, which divides to replenish dead, dying or damaged cells.
Adult stem cell features
(1) Self-renewal, while maintaining stem cell features.
(2) Multipotency (ability to differentiate into any cell in a particular tissue).

adult stem cell

A precursor cell that can also give rise to identical precursor cells: daughters of a stem cell can develop into a terminally-differentiated cell type or they can remain a stem cell. Adult stem cells are found in many tissues, such as bone marrow, brain, retina, skin, intestines, liver, testis, and pancreas. Synonym: somatic stem cell See: embryonic stem cellSee also: cell