Parliamentary Group of the USSR

Parliamentary Group of the USSR


a voluntary association of deputies from both chambers of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, for the purpose of cooperating with the parliaments of other countries in the interest of strengthening world peace and friendship among peoples. The Parliamentary Group of the USSR is a member of the Interparliamentary Union. Its formation, as well as its admission to the Interparliamentary Union in 1955, was a sign of the growing activity of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in foreign policy.

The Parliamentary Group of the USSR participates in Interparliamentary Union agencies and struggles consistently for the observance of the principles proclaimed in its charter. It strives for discussion by Interparliamentary Union members of the most important international problems: security, disarmament, the development of international trade, culture, and aid to developing countries. (For example, the Parliamentary Group of the USSR was the initiator of the Interparliamentary Conference on Issues of Cooperation and Security in Europe, which was held in January 1973.) The development of personal contacts and ties with parliamentary representatives from other countries is important in the group’s work.

The highest body of the Parliamentary Group of the USSR is the general meeting. It elects a committee (a chairman, three deputy chairmen, a secretary, and 51 members), which directs the group’s everyday affairs, approves its plans and its budget, and appoints representatives to the Interparliamentary Council. The committee also issues invitations and receives foreign delegations, takes all necessary steps to achieve the goals of the group between meetings, and acts in the name of the group.

To promote direct ties with parliamentary groups in particular countries, the Parliamentary Group of the USSR has established a number of special sections, on a reciprocal basis. Among them are the Soviet-Austrian, Soviet-Belgian, Soviet-British, Soviet-French, Soviet-Italian, and Soviet-Japanese sections, as well as a section for parliamentary ties with the Federal Republic of Germany.

The Parliamentary group of the USSR issues a biannual periodical, Biulleten’ Parlamentskoi gruppy SSSR (Bulletin of the Parliamentary Group of the USSR).