Romer, Paul Michael

Romer, Paul Michael,

1955–, American economist, b. Denver, Ph.D. Univ. of Chicago, 1983. He has taught at the Univ. of Rochester (1982–88), Univ. of Chicago (1988–90), Univ. of California at Berkeley (1990–96), Stanford (1996–2010), and New York Univ. (2010–), and in 2000 he founded Aplia, an on-line educational company. He is particularly noted for his work on endogenous growth theory, which focuses on the importance of technological innovation and ideas to long-term growth, and how economic forces and government regulations and policies encourage technological innovation that promotes economic growth. In 2018 he shared the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with William NordhausNordhaus, William Dabney,
1941–, American economist, b. Albuquerque, N.Mex., Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1967. A professor at Yale since 1967, he has focused on the economic effects of global warming since the 1970s, studying how human economic activity
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 for his work that laid the foundations of endogenous growth theory.