Acronym | Definition |
RON➣Research Octane Number (gasoline) |
RON➣Remain(ing) Overnight |
RON➣Romanian New Leu (Romanian currency) |
RON➣Ready or Not |
RON➣Rise of Nations (game) |
RON➣Record of Needs (special education; UK) |
RON➣Republic of Nauru |
RON➣Remain Over Night (aviation) |
RON➣Research Octane Number |
RON➣Run of Network |
RON➣Rose O'Neill (creator of the Kewpie Doll, early millionaire, and illustrator; circa 1910) |
RON➣Air Nauru (ICAO code) |
RON➣Rete Ondametrica Nazionale (Italian: Ondametrica National Network; climate) |
RON➣Total on Resistance (electronics) |
RON➣Reform Ohio Now (election reform group) |
RON➣Ridder in de Orde van Oranje Nassau (Dutch: Knight in the Order of Oranje Nassau) |
RON➣Re-Open Nominations (voting systems) |
RON➣Return on Net Worth (finance) |
RON➣Resilient Overlay Network |
RON➣Reality or Nothing (Dennis Potter's Cold Lazarus) |
RON➣Routing Organization Number |
RON➣Report of Nonconformance |
RON➣Remote Online Network |
RON➣Russian Overlay Network |