trichomycosis axillaris


 [trik″o-mi-ko´sis] any disease of the hair caused by fungi.trichomycosis axilla´ris infection of the axillary and sometimes of the pubic hair, due to Corynebacterium tenuis and not a fungus, with development of clumps of bacteria on the hairs, appearing as red, yellow, or black nodules.

trich·o·my·co·sis ax·il·la·'ris

Corynebacterium infection of axillary and pubic hairs with development of yellow (flava), black (nigra), or red (rubra) concretions around the hair shafts; frequently asymptomatic. Synonym(s): lepothrix, trichonodosis

trich·o·my·co·sis ax·il·la·ris

(trik'ō-mī-kō'sis aks'i-lar'is) Corynebacterium infection of axillary and pubic hairs with development of yellow (flava), black (nigra), or red (rubra) concretions around the hair shafts; frequently asymptomatic.
Synonym(s): lepothrix, trichonodosis.


Francis Valentine, English physician, 1840-1924. Paxton disease - Corynebacterium infection of axillary and pubic hairs. Synonym(s): trichomycosis axillaris