


a parasitic disease of horses and other solidungulates caused by the larvae of approximately 35 species of nematodes (roundworms) of the family Trichonematidae. The larvae infest the mucous membrane of the large and small intestine, and the adults inhabit the mucous membrane of the large intestine.

Trichonematidosis occurs worldwide. Animals ingest the larvae together with food, and 45 to 60 days later the larvae emerge into the intestinal lumen, where they become adult trichonema-tides. The disease generally affects young animals and animals over ten years old; symptoms include elevated body temperature, digestive disorders, weakness, and exhaustion. Diagnosis is based on microscopic examination of larvae artificially grown from eggs obtained from the feces of an infected animal.

Trichonematidosis is treated with phenothiazine or Nilverm. Preventive measures are the same as those used for strongyle infestations of horses.


Veiichkin, P. A. Gel’mintozy loshadei. Moscow, 1967.