

(an'ō-krō-mā'zē-ă), 1. Failure of cells or other elements of tissue to acquire color in the usual manner when treated with a stain (or stains). 2. Accumulation of hemoglobin in the peripheral zone of erythrocytes, with a pale, virtually colorless central portion resulting. [G. anō, upward, + chrōma, color]


(1) Anisochromasia, see there. 
(2) Ring artefact (red cells), see there.


(an'ō-krō-mā'zē-ă) 1. Failure of cells or other elements of tissue to acquire color in the usual manner when treated with a stain. 2. Accumulation of hemoglobin in the peripheral zone of erythrocytes. [G. anō, upward, + chrōma, color]